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Beg - 1401 words
y/n POV:

Jenna had just come home after a super long and tiring day of photo shoots. After eating dinner, you both decided on "The Bachelor". We are suckers for TV dramas and The Bachelorette only has one girl in it. Since the season was coming to an end, stuff was heating up, and a mood was set. You felt Jenna shift under the blanket during a make out session between the featured bachelor and one of the girls on the show. A smirk crept on to your face after realizing what caused her movement, and you decided it could be fun to tease her.

"You okay Jen?"

"Mhm," Her short response confirmed what you previously thought.

"Are you sure? You seem..." A pause for dramatic effect; "uncomfortable." you snaked an arm over her waist, feeling her breath stop in her throat. She grunted softly in response, her eyes glued to the TV. You rubbed her waist, moving down closer to her core ever so slightly.


"What's the matter baby?" She shut her eyes for a moment.

"Nothing, forget it," you barely heard her mutter a response over the noises coming from the TV. However, you did notice how gorgeous she looked in the dim light. your eyes fell on her lips, staring for the better of a minute or so. you watched as her head turned slowly towards yours.

"y/n." She repeated.

"Hm?" The way her lips moved captured your gaze. She leaned in and pressed her lips to yours, slowly and sweet at first, but then developing into a much more heated make out. You were interrupted by the TV, a loud yell coming from someone unimportant. you let out a giggle when you saw her blown pupils. She looked so hot like this, knowing you have her all to yourself.

"You feeling okay gorgeous? Distracted yeah?" One of my biggest turn ons is begging, Jenna knows this, but she rarely likes to give in to you and give you what you want.

"Kiss me."

"What was that?"

"y/n. Please. Kiss me," even the littlest begs from her had an insane effect on you.

"You know I love when you beg baby," you smashed your faces back together, a small whine coming from her as you kissed feverishly. Her cold rings on your neck made you shiver a bit, the sounds of your heavy breathing filling the room. Jenna tugged at your shirt, hard. As you kissed, her hands slid under your shirt and up your stomach, making their way to your bra. Just a couple minutes ago you were wanting her to beg, but now you found yourself almost begging for her. you disconnected your mouths, needing a break for oxygen. Her chest was heaving along with her heavy breathing, accentuating her boobs in the small tank top she was wearing.

"Good god Jenna." your eyes were glued to her chest. The way she looked during these moments never failed to amaze you, she was intoxicating.

"You know my eyes are up here, right?" Jenna usually took control when this happened, so teasing was expected. However, you were planning on doing things your way tonight.

"Oh... god," You smiled into her chest, leaving soft kisses all over her boobs and biting ever so softly, just to get a reaction out of her.

"I know baby. But this," you sucked on a spot you knew was sensitive to her; "is much better, no?" She shivered when you pushed your hands into her shirt, and upwards onto her bra.

"Don't stop," her breathy whines were interrupted by her pleads.

"Can you speak up pretty?" Throwing her head back in defeat, she stared straight at you, breathing heavily.

"y/n please I need you so bad."

"Need me for what Jen?" Her eyes shut momentarily in frustration.

"Don't play with me, seriously. If you don't fuck me I'll ignore you for a week." A smirk tugged at your lips, knowing you finally won.

"You couldn't ignore me if you tried baby." your legs slid over hers, straddling her waist as you pulled her in for yet another heated kiss. Her whines were getting more frequent, closer together. She was so needy it almost made you laugh.

"Rings," you reminded her. Although you loved them, they tended to get in the way sometimes.

"Right, right," she mumbled quietly before tangling her hands in your hair. Pulling you close again, you targeted her neck.

"Oh fuck y/n," her hot breath spilled down your neck, and by her response, you found a new sensitive spot. Making sure to stay on that spot for a while, her moans grew louder by the second. Her hips bucked suddenly, and you pulled away to look at her while her eyes widened.

"y/n I didn't-"

"Someone's needy."

"Stop teasing please baby, I need you so bad I just want you to fuck me."

"Yes ma'am." In one swift movement, you tugged off her shirt and bra together in one go, going straight for one of her nipples. your tongue swirled around the bud, and you made sure to spend extra time there, knowing it's one of her biggest turn ons. When she moved her hands from your hair to your shirt, you knew she wanted it off. you removed it quickly, revealing a black lace bra than barely covered anything. Now she was the one staring while your fingers danced over the waistband of her shorts.

"Off," she breathed out. As requested, you pulled off her bottoms, caught by surprise when you realized she wasn't wearing underwear.

"No underwear?"

"Ye-mmh, please," the interruption was caused by my finger running over her slit.

"And look at this mess..." you spread her slick on her clit with one finger, followed by a string of curses from her. Slowly, you pushed one finger into her, suppressing a groan from how easily it slid in. you began to pump it in and out, adding a second finger after a couple minutes to add a stretch.

"Fuck y/n/n please go faster," she begged and you sped up your pace, pressing your lips to her clit at the same time. She began to grind on your fingers, desperate for more pleasure.

"If you want more, you can just ask." you added a third digit into her core, and swirled your tongue around her clit, sucking hard. her hips were still bucking forward, and her free hand was covering her mouth while the other pushed your head further into her core. you could tell she was getting close by her tells, the way her legs slowly started to close until you pushed them back open, her moans getting much louder and her hand moving from her mouth to grip the couch.

"You're so beautiful Jenna, and mine." Muttering just loud enough for her to hear over her sounds of pleasure. you curled your fingers, knowing you found her sweet spot when her grip on your hair tightened.

"Baby please don't stop, right there I'm so close," you curled my fingers again, doing the same after each pump into her center. Her legs began to shake slightly, and her whines became more high pitched. "Shit y/n/n please, oh my god i'm cumming holy fuck," her hips, previously grinding on your fingers, stuttered to a stop as she came. "God baby please please i love you so much," slowly, you began to stop your movements, still resting your lips on her clit even though you removed your fingers.

One last time, you blew on her clit and flicked it, watching her shake from the sudden stimulation. She pulled you up by your neck, kissing you deeply. This time it was slow, sensual and soft, unlike the other rough ones.

"How do you always know?" She giggled tiredly.

"Because I know you."

"That is the cutest thing you've ever said." you hummed and pulled her to lay on you, changing the TV to "Coraline".

"I love you too." you said while planting soft kisses on her head.


"You said I love you. So, I love you too." Turning her head up to look at you, she smiled.

"Thank you. You're the best y/n."

"No, you are. Now get some rest pretty, you need it."

first time writing smut, lmk how it is 😛

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