7: Breaking Point

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I've been cooped up in my room all day. I'm getting ready for school which I'm absolutely terrified about. I hate school with a passion, but I'm in all the same classes as Ally, so I know he'll be with me.

I lay out my outfit on the couch. I'm going to wear jeans and a sweater with some Converse. I don't want to be too flashy and I don't want to even be known as the new kid.

I've got on sweatpants and a sports bra as I look for a T-shirt to throw on. My door is closed. The three dogs are lying on the floor of my room. They've taken a strong liking to me. Do I feel bad that I've stolen the dogs from Antonio...maybe a little bit.

"Hey. Dinner's ready." Diego opens the door without knocking. "What the hell?" He asks. I know that he's seen my scars and now I can't do anything. I can only hide. I quickly grab a sweatshirt from the bed and throw it on.

"Dude! Get out!" I cry out. Diego's already rushing out. "Wait!" I don't need him telling anyone in this house.

"Dad!" He yells out.

"Diego!" I try to run after him. I rush down the stairs to catch up to him, but in my clumsiness, I trip down the last few steps and fall.

"Fuck. Are you alright?" Javier asks. He scoops me up like it's nothing. I can't help but flinch.

Gosh...every single time.

Diego is standing with Dad in the kitchen watching the whole interaction. "Point proven," he says under his breath.

I untangle from Javier's arms and quickly move away.

"Let's talk in the office," Dad suggests.

"No thank you," I say. I move to the living room and sit down on the couch hoping that everyone will get back to normal. Instead, every single one of my brothers and Dad comes in the living room.

"I think it's time we had a talk," he says.

"No please." My lower lip quivers. I can't cry. Not in front of all of these men.

They are part of the mafia. They see men scared senseless, but they've never seen their daughter this scared senseless.

"I'm not really hungry," I say. I get up and try my luck. Diego's leaning against the stairs, so when I try to go upstairs, he grabs my waist and forces me in his arms. "Let me go!" I smack him across the face with all my strength and I know he's startled. He doesn't let go, though.

"Diego! Enough! Let her go!" I hear Dad's voice boom.

"She fucking hit me!"

"And I'd do it again!" I scream at him.

"Don't hold her like that again when clearly she's uncomfortable."

"You wanna tell your dad why the hell you're uncomfortable like that around your own fucking brother?" Diego asks in fumes. I never meant to make him that mad.

"I'm sorry. Hold up. What is he talking about, hermana?" Carlo buds in.

"Hermanita, you should sit down," Antonio says.

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