7. spiked

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Of course I noticed that i gave Chris a boner. It was obvious, but I brushed it off. It was about a week ago and i didnt bring it up because I knew it would make him embarrassed, but somehow I was proud. Today is the game against Immaculata I was somewhat nervous as chris predicted, but overall i was excited

The whole school and Immaculata's whole school is going to be there because for some reason they are really passionate about girls volleyball. We were in the car on the way to the high school. We were playing from our high school. And immaculata was the guest. "How are you feeling?" Nick asks "honestly like we're gonna win '' I say. I was wearing my jersey. It was a white long sleeve with orange stripes on the sides from my armpit to the end of the shirt. I was number 3, the same number as chris. We arrived at the school i had to be earlier than my teammates because i was captain

"Victoria" coach calls "yea coach?" I ask "are we gonna win today?" she asks "of course i'm not varsity for nothing" i reply she smiles and high fives me. I go up to the stands where the boys are and we just talk until my teammates get here.

When my teammates arrived we were all immediately thrown on the court to practice. We get good practice before Immaculata's team arrives as well as the students. Kids from my school were already piling in.

"okay girls this game is the opening game. I know you guys wanna win, but even if we don't it's okay, '' the coach says. How could she say it's okay to lose im super fucking competitive and i know it. That's what makes me a good player. "Okay girls, go have fun and do your best," the coach says. We all huddle together on the court and make a plan for the game. Someone has to set it up to bella. Then Bella sets up a spike for either me or ally. I told everyone if that doesn't work just get it over the net. It was amazing because my teammates were as competitive as I am.

"And the game has begun, team captain victoria fuentes is serving, whooo go number three" the commentator says. The game starts with me serving. I serve overhand and it's a perfect serve because I made a point. They threw the ball back to us and I served once again, this time they hit the ball and it was set up perfectly to bella. She set it to ally and ally spiked but some bitch dived. "Good spike ally, we'll get em" I told her because she looked pissed. The game went on and Ally had spiked two times only getting a point off one. We were 24-24. The point was game point. We had been playing for about 2-3 hours. This time it was set to me and I made a perfect spike making game point. Somervilles side cheered, considering this was the first game of the school year i felt amazing

After the game the triplets and their parents came down and gave me flowers. Chris had pulled me into a side hug and cheered Matt and Nick doing the same. Mary Lou offered to take us for ice cream so we accepted. The whole ride Chris was talking about every single point I got. It made me happy he was paying that much attention to my game.

When we got to the ice cream place I got a double scoop with cookies and cream and just plain chocolate. I had run up to the register and paid for myself. Before Chris could. "Victoria, why did you buy your own?" chris asked "ooooooh full name vic he's pissed" nick whispers from beside me "because chris i have my own money i can buy shit for myself too" i say "whatever" he says clearly pissed off "chris honey you cant be mad at her for wanting to buy something for herself" mary lou tells him "you dont get it mom" matt speaks up "hes in love with vicky" matt teases "matt shut the fuck up" chris says coldly. Was he really that pissed? "Ookay," Jimmy says from beside Mary lou. "Vicky honey are you spending the night?" mary lou asks "um sure i guess" i say

We start heading home and Chris is avoiding my gaze and is silent. He was really pissed over me paying for my own ice cream. Ugh whatever, I'll talk to him when we get home.

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