18. stole her from me first

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Chris is playing fortnite on stream with matt and im just laying back here waiting for him to get off. I get tired of aimlessly scrolling on instagram so i go to nick's room and on the way to his room i realize i haven't really had time to catch up with him.

"Hey babe" Nick says from his bed as I walk in "hey how have you been?" I ask , sitting across from him. "Good i guess, why do you ask" he says "i don't know i feel like we haven't been talking as much lately" i say "you mean since your boyfriend is a clingy shit" he says "yea i guess'' i say with a chuckle.

We talk for a little while just about stuff we've heard at school and how we've both been.

"I legit cant believe that jackie from theater is pregnant" nick says "oh my god when i heard that i almost died. She seemed so innocent, no?" i ask "she did my god" nick says with a chuckle "yeah i guess her and that one kid jonah were hooking up" i tell him "really i didn-"

nick gets interrupted by chris and matt walking into the room "nick why did you steal my girlfriend?" Chris asks, "You stole her from me first," Nick says, "anyways." Matt says "what do y'all want?' i ask "what we cant crash your guys little gossip sesh" chris mocks in a high tone "chris fuck off" nick says

We all sit and talk about random shit, the topic of matt and kennedi comes up and he says that their date went good and they're gonna go on a second one.

It feels good and kinda nostalgic for all of us to be sitting in nick's room gossiping and talking. After about an hour of us just fucking around we all go our sepreate ways, nick staying in his room, matt going to his, and chris and i going to his room.

"Babe?" Chris calls from the bathroom "yeah?" I ask , popping my head out of the room "nothing I just wanted to see if you were awake" he says walking to the room with nothing but a towel around his waist. Folded. I go to sit on the bed and chris puts just underwear on and sits next to me

"Chris, I wanna go to my house." I tell him, "why?" he asks concerned "i don't know i just want to be alone. Alone with you " I say he smirks and suggests we leave right away. So that's what we do. Chris is supposed to get his license soon because Nick already got his. But he hasn't, so of course I'm driving.

When we get to my house we chill in the living room for a little while and just fuck around and watch movies. It was around 7 when we left. no one knew where we went. we didn't tell anyone. When I went to pick up my phone it said 8:43pm

"Chris wanna go to my room?" I ask Chris he looks over before pulling me onto his lap and starts kissing me. My arms instantly wrap around his neck. His going to my ass. I part my lips allowing Chris to slip his tongue in my mouth. He effortlessly gets up with me in his arms.

Do you know how strong you have to be for that? My god. He walks up the stairs with me still in his arms. Chris pushes the door open and drops me on my bed. He walks over to the door and shuts and locks it

I'm in for a long night.

a/n- sorry the chapter is short it's just a filler. y'all got some excitement coming ur way. also btw the chap after this isn't smut so u don't gotta skip

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