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This is boring at the beginning but than it gets juicy at the end. Also im sorry if there are any misspelling. Iam to lazy to fix them

Niomis pov*
Tom called me
Niomi: 'hey whats up?'
Tom: 'hey have you checked gigis phone?'
His voice sounded like he has been crying.

Niomi: 'no why what did you see?'
Tom: '...shes sending nudes to som fucking kid named liam'

He cried
Niomi: 'w-what? No! Thats not true!'
Tom: 'ive lost my little girl'
One way to break a moms heart. Hearing your childs father saying 'ive lost my little girl'

Gigis pov*
I regreted Everything.i was outside my dads door so i can hear everything.I heard my dad crying. "Ive lost my little girl" he cried. Tears formed in my eyes. I ran to my room slammed my room door shut and cried.

My dad is my best friend and ive pushed him away for some boy. My best friend texted me

Evie: 'i can't believe you actually fell for liam. Did you not see what he posted!?'
Gigi: 'what do you mean?'
Evie: 'look at his insta!'

I closed our chats and went to liams instagram. He posted my whole feelings. We vented to eachother.
I looked at the caption

'Shes so stupid to think id keep her secrets!'

My eyed filled with more tears. I read through everything. It even said when i told him about my SH phase and my SA experience.

I will never forgive myself for trusting that guy. I through my phone and went to my dresser. I pulled out my old phone case that had blades taped onto the dark colored phone case.

I slit my wrists. I went so deep blood rushed down my arms. Ive never gone this deep. I screamed in pain. I heard people running to my door. My dad barged in.

"Niom-Gigi!" Was he about to say my moms name? He looked at my wrists.

Toms pov*
Yes i was about to say niomis name. I looked at her wrists with blood. I looked down at her and immediately saw her mom in her. Tears formed in my eyes and slowly came out.

"Oh my!" Heidi screamed and ran to the kitchen to get the aid kit. We than wrapped her arm and made sure she was fine.  We left her alone in her room and i took her blades. "Where did you get these?" I asked her "my moms room..." her voice was raspy from crying.

As i was about to leave her room "dad" gigi called for me "yea?" I looked at her "can you tell me...what mom was like when you met her?" She asked.

I sighed before walking back into her room and closing the door.  "When i met your mom...she was super insecure about her body so she would wear the same kind of clothes i used to wear Remember?" I looked at her.

"Yea" she avoided eye contact. "And she was so mad at the world.. i changed her. Once me and her started dating she was nicer. And she used to be so rude to your aunt. I had sex with her than cheated on her when she got stabbed." I sighed.

"Is that what that scar on her waist is?" She finally looked at me "yes. When i cheated on her she cut herself aswell. One secret is she covers her scar with powder. And you know she was the best girl i have ever met. She is so beautiful and has a great heart" i smiled.

"I was so in love with her" i looked at the ground "if you where so in love with her than why did you cheat on her?" As soon as she said that i looked at her.

"Gigi-" "No! You broke my moms heart! She misses you every day! She chooses to be alone because she only ever wanted your love!" Demi barged in.

"Gigi! You weren't supposed to tell dad!" She shouted before she looked at me. I was in shock. "We couldve been a perfect family until you had to fuck it up!" Gigi yelled at me before running out the room.

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