Angel in disguise

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Niomis pov*
I looked at tom "Tom what are you talking about?" I asked him confused. "Niomi. We dated in highschool" he was in shock just as much as i was "w-what! That cant be everyone hated me tom! No one loved me but that boy i dated!" I shouted.

He placed his hand on my thigh "darling i was that boy" he smiled. I instantly hugged him, my first love my first everything. "Im so sorry for hurting you" he apologized while rubbing my back.

"Its fine" i said as a tear fell from my eye. He removed his shirt and my shirt leaving me in my bra and we fell asleep together. I hugged his waist and he hugged my upper body and he wrapped his legs around mine.

Ava bursted the door open from running away from georg."Please im sorry!" She screamed holding her hands up "i shouldve chosen your best friend over you! You gay bitch!" Georg shouted.

Tom looked at me "your so beautiful even when you have just woken up" tom mentioned admiring me. I looked at him "thank you" i blushed. He looked down at my chest and played with his lip piercing.

Georg slapped ava really hard across the face. He grabbed her arm and lifted her up before dragging her to there room. "Sorry bro didnt mean to start your morning like this" georg said before glancing at my chest aswell.

Tom grabbed my chest from the back and kissed me on the lips. Georg closed the door and tom instantly got on me. "Your so hot" tom said before making out with me. He than started trasing kisses down my neck till he got to my chest where he gave me a hickey.

"Where going to save this fun for a special night" tom smirked before going to the dresser that was in the room and getting me clothes. I admired his muscular torso. I was looking at his abs and when i looked  up at him he was smirking at me.

"You should be happy you get to call all this yours" he smiled and i smiled and covered my face. He gave me clothes. A black shirt with a v line and baggy blue jeans.

"Like your taste in style" i smiled at him before getting up. "Me personally i like what you taste like in general" he shrugged while smirking. I looked up at him "is that so?" I teased at him "agh dont. I dont like morning se-" he got cut off by lindsay opening the door.

"Why didnt you sleep with me tom!?" She shouted at him. "Cause you where to busy being lesbian" he shouted back "and dont fucking barge in here cant you see im busy!?" He yelled at her before pushing her.

She gave me a death stare and he grabbed her face tightly pushing her cheeks together.

"Dont look at her like that" he demanded. "Fine enjoy your new girl" she rolled her eyes before leaving."ima get rid of her soon." He said rubbing his chest. I put on the clothes and the shirt easily revealed all the hickeys he put on my body last night.

I got near him. He looked down at me and i looked up at him. "Your lucky i found out who you really where or i wouldnt be doing this" i told him slightly smirking.

"Im glad i did cause i loving this" he said being lost in my eyes. I pressed my body against him once we got the wall. I put my hands on his lower waist.

"Please" he begged as his voice shook i smirked. He grabbed my hands and looked at me "im begging you to please me" he told me. I slowly took off his pants revealing his length through his black boxers.
Oral tw ‼️
He sat on the bed and i got my knees infront of him. Once he had nothing on i started sending his body plesure. I moved my hand up and down. He whimpered "shh there is people sleeping" i whispered.

I went faster and covered his mouth. As i sped up my hands his eyes rolled back and his mouth agape until He came without a warning. "I want more please! Your doing so good!" He begged and i continued.

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