Brown eyes

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We waited for ezra to wake up.

During the wait we found so many guns, wepons, video tapes of women or younger girls wich was absolutely disgusting. We also found out i wasnt the only girl he raped.

We called the cops on him when his eyes opened.

He looked at georg on the phone "w-what are you guys doing?" He stuttered with a weak tone in his voice.

"You're a pedo ezra. You will be going away for awhile" luna told him with her arms crossed.

"It was all your plan wasnt it?!?" He screamed at me. Thankfully we tied him to a chair he couldnt get anywhere near me.

"Oh shut up Ezra you did this to yourself" i rolled my eyes "and you ask yourself why i raped you" he suddenly said

i honestly wish i let him kill himself. I regret giving him another chance to live. If he had killed himself our life could COMPLETELY go to peace.

"Watch your mouth asshole" tom said staring at ezra.

We heard police sirens. Ezra panicked. The police came in.

"Hands behind your back Ezra. We have been looking for you a while" three police men came in un tieing him and right away putting him in handcuffs.

Suddenly he managed to get out of them and run. He ran out of the house with police follwing him. We went outside to go see what was happening.

Damn they went across the whole block. Soon a policeman shot him. I gasped and out my hand over my mouth in shock.

Happiness was built inside me. Ambulance, police and even a helicopter person came and took him away.

Over that whole month ezra survived the shot to his uper thigh, but was tooken to jail for 22 years.

Now our life could start from day one.

It was pretty late.


I was on the couch watching a movie while the kids were asleep and tom was in the room doing god knows what. Tom than came in the room snuggling next to me.

He hugged my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. "Ive missed you" he soflty spoke "I have to" i responded turning to him.

He smiled before pulling me into a hug. His body layed on mine. "You have gone through do much" he mumbled.

I smiled at him.

I soon got a call

Phone call:
Niomi: 'hello?'
Unknown number: 'Hello is this Niomi Kim?'
Niomi: 'uh yes?'
Unkown: 'do you know Ezra wilson?'
Niomi: 'i do'
Unkown: 'Uhm Niomi he uh committed suicide a few hours ago here in his cell. he hung himself'
I felt my heart sink and the only thought i had was what the hell was his 15 year old gonna do?
Niomi: 'oh thats sad to hear'
Unknown: 'yea but we just wanted to let you know'
Niomi: 'thank you'
End of call*
I hung up and told tom everything that had happened. I got up in excitement. "IAM FREE!" I laughed.

"We're.Free" he got up with me holding his hands with mine.

I smiled as i stared into his brown eyes.

Never would i have known that he would be my future husband. His brown eyes were so beautiful . His touch always made me feel a specific way only a person in love would know how it feels.

Toms pov*
Iam so happy we finally got the peace we have been dying for. The peace we have been aching for, for 12 years. Her hazel eyes looking into my brown eyes. Her beautiful smile ive admired since day one. Since the day i saw her laughing with her friends at her lunch table.

I new she was the one.

Ive made some bad decisions in my life. Ive broken my Wifes heart multiple times. I regret it all. If i could apologize millions of times believe me I would.

She knows iam sorry for all of the mistakes and pain ive put her sweet sensitive soul through.

That day. I saw her. Walking into the classroom. Somthing inside of me was effected. My heart started beating faster than usual. I had to calm it down some way so i thought id talk to her. And thats what i did.

If i didnt. Gigi or demi wouldnt have had been here

Niomis pov*
Tom was always so popular. He looked so rude until he talked to me.

I wish he could see himself the way I see him.

But im afriad if he did he would fall in love with himself. Toms soul is so special to mine.

It feels tightly tied together. In a very tight knott. I could never manage untieing it.

I want it to be like that forever.
Gigis pov*
When school started i didnt go. I stayed home schooled until i turned 15 where i finally went to school.

It was my very first day of school. My dad woke up late so we got there late.

But i wore baggy pants a baggy shirt and a hoodie.

being raped and sexually assaulted will make your perspective of yourself change alot. my style was one of the things that changed.

I walked into class late.

"Everyone this is Gianna or Gigi" the teacher introduced me. everyone already knew me.

"You can go sit right there" the teacher told me pointing at a seat. I sat down and listened to the teacher speak.

Another girl came in late. "Damn i thought you were max" she laughed at me before sitting down. The whole class started laughing.

I became very self couscous.

I look behind me and see this max kid smirking at me.

I turned around scared. im terrified of men giving me a smirk. "Can you sign this please?" A girl asked me.

"Sure" i responded taking the marker from her hand and signing her phone case.

"Thank you!" She squeeled. "Sure" i smiled back.

My smile faded once she left.

The bell finally rang.

I slammed my body against the door forcing it open. Once i got in the hall i was heading to my next class when someone pulled my backpack from behind. I turned around and saw max.

My eyes widened.

"You trying to copy my style Beautiful?"
He was so tall.

"N-no" i stuttered.

He let out a little chuckle. "Im just joking let me take you to your next class" he smiled at me before taking me.

Time skip
Niomis pov*
Tom picked up demi and gigi from school.

They walked in. Gigi seemed to be smiling more than usal?

""Gigi? What is it?" I asked her as i got near her.

Tom did the same

"Its nothing!!" She giggled "tell us!" I smiled.

"Okay okay fine!" She gave in smiling.

"So theres this boy"

My eyes shot at tom.

"He is super tall. He has long hair. THESE BEAUTIFUL EYES OF MY GOSH!" She giggled.

I smiled before hugging tom. "Sounds like my 15 year old me's thoughts" i told him as i layed my head on his chest watching her as she went on about this boy.

Tom chuckled before kissing my forhead.

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