Chapter 2

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"Next up, an accident in Hamamatsu City of Shizuoka Prefecture results in an explosion. Is wear and tear on old piping to blame?! We take it over to Fushi, the reporter at the scene!"

They didn't do it properly it seems. I put my hand to my mouth to cover my laugh as I see my three classmates sitting on their knees in front of Mr. Yaga. Tamamo seems to find this interesting as well because I hear her laughing out loud in my head.

"There's someone here who said they'll put up a veil and then up and left the auxiliary manager behind. And forgot about the veil too. Fess up."

Satoru raises his hand and with confidence in his posture.

"Sensei! We're better than pointing fingers at each other!"

"So it's you."

Without saying more, Mr. Yaga punches Satoru on her head until a bump forms. At that point I can't contain my laughter anymore and start laughing loudly at Satoru while pointing my finger at the bump on his head.

"HA! The 'strongest' just got scolded and punched by teach HAHA what a joke!"

I hold my stomach as I laugh more and more seeing the irritated expression on Satoru's face.

"You think I forgot about your mistake Kitsuroku?"

I stop laughing and look at Mr. Yaga in betrayal.

"How could you teach?! I thought we were the best of friends! And now you're betraying your favorite student!"

Instead of an answer, I was hit with a fist on my head just like Satoru. I hold my head and start rolling on the floor whilst the other three start laughing at me, even Tamamo is laughing.

"You destroyed an abandoned shrine along with the surrounding area Kitsuroku. Good thing there wasn't anyone hiking or walking along that forest."

"I know teach and I said I was sorry! It won't happen again, promise!"

"You better and that also includes all of you. Got it?" A chorus of "Yes sensei" was enough to make Mr. Yaga satisfied and starts walking away.

After getting scolded by Mr. Yaga, the four of us move to the gym because the two idiots wanted to play basketball. "Are curtains even necessary in the first place?" Satoru asked out loud while dribbling the ball, I quickly drank my can of soda and whispered to Shoko.

"We better get out of here Shoko, they're about to get into some bullshit argument."

"Yeah seems like it, I need a smoke break anyway."

"I'll join you, that is if you're willing to share your cigs."

All I received was a cigarette pushed on my face before Shoko start running out of the room.

"Oi! Wait for me Shoko! Don't start a brawl now you two!"

"Shut it Kei."

"Fuck you Kei."

I finally managed to catch up to Shoko, I take a couple of breaths and sit on a bench beside her. I put my hand out and Shoko gave me her lighter, I take a drag out of the cigarette and exhale the smoke along with a tired sigh.

"How's the mission? Besides, you know, forgetting to put up a veil?"

She lightly punched my arm while chuckling.

"It went well I suppose. Utahime and Mei-mei were already out when we got there."

"Man, that seems relaxing."

I said as I looked at the sky while taking another drag.

"What's wrong with yours? Just a trek through the forest right?"

"Yeah, trekking through the forest with a big ass curse attacking me."

She laughed when she heard the summary of my mission. "I'm sure the curse wasn't a problem for you and Tamamo, you two are strong. Like really strong." I can feel Tamamo beaming with pride when Shoko complimented us. I don't know why, but Tamamo seems very fond of Shoko.

"Don't stroke her ego please, I can feel a headache coming from Tama-chan's beaming pride."

As we continue talking, I hear two footsteps coming our way, I look up and see Satoru and Suguru walking towards us, with their faces looking sour I might add.

"Yo Suguru, Satoru. How did the brawl go?"

"Didn't get to fight this loser because Mr. Yaga gave us a useless mission."

I threw away my cigarette and stepped on it before patting the space beside me for them to sit down.

"Don't be like that Satoru. The mission is really important, you know."

"Yeah yeah."

Suguru only sighed as he took a seat next to Shoko and Satoru plopped himself down beside me.

"What's the mission anyway? Seems very important from the way you worded it Suguru."

"We have to escort a star plasma vessel and bring her to Master Tengen so that they can merge together."

"Damn, sounds hard. Good luck you two." Suddenly, Satoru wrapped his arms around me and I can see his shit-eating grin aiming at me. "Who said that this mission was only for me and Suguru huh? You're coming as well Kei! HAHA."

"What the fuck?! Why didn't that old man tell me when I was with him? Great, now I'm stuck with two idiots." I was then slapped on the head by the two idiots as they started laughing at my misery.

"Fuck you, you damn idiots. Fuck that hurt."

'Do you want me to slap them darling?' I can feel Tamamo's rage building up, I just rub my head and tell her that I'm okay.

"Anyway, where's the girl?"

"Apparently her location's been leaked and now there's two groups hunting her down. So I guess we better start now than later." Ever the wise, Suguru stands up and stretches his body and starts walking towards the entrance of the school with Satoru following behind.

I looked at Shoko with a smile on my face. "Well catch you later I guess Shoko, I'll buy you a pack when I'm done with this." Shoko only smiles and lights another cigarette. "You better keep your promise Kei~ or I'll bite you~" I chuckled seeing her imitating a tiger's pose. "Catch you later then, don't miss me too much~" I quickly run to catch up to those two idiots.

'Shoko's cute when she wants too huh Tama-chan?'

'Fufu, yes she is very adorable at times.'

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