Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

One year has passed since the star plasma incident and Suguru, Satoru and I were severely affected by it. Satoru may look like his usual idiotic self, but I can tell that he still thinks back to the incident from time to time. But Suguru is the one I'm worried about. Ever since Satoru's awakening and everything that happened, I can feel something was wrong with Suguru. Like his usual happy self is replaced by a more quiet and reserved one.

'Thinking about your friend darling?' I can hear Tamamo in my head as I watch Suguru and Shoko throw stuff at Satoru. "Yeah, he's been acting not like himself ever since the star plasma thing. I wish I could help but he just kept saying he's fine." I rubbed my head in frustration before Satoru called me over. "Enjoy talking to yourself Kei?" I look up and see Satoru smirking at me, I just flipped him off and continue talking with Tamamo. "Any advice you can give me Tama-chan?"

'Hmm how about asking Mr. Yaga to have more missions together with Suguru? I'm sure that will help him in some way. After all, being on missions alone and absorbing curses over and over must've taken a toll on him.' I smile hearing the advice from Tamamo. Ah this why I love this woman. "That could work. Thanks for the advice Tama-chan, you're the best wife ever." After I said that I could hear Tamamo squealing in delight while saying 'I love you' over and over. I chuckled and stand up to look for Mr. Yaga to talk to him. "I'm gonna talk to Mr. Yaga for a bit, see ya." I bid farewell to three of my classmates and make my way to Mr. Yaga.

I knocked on the door of his office and opened it. "Excuse me for interrupting teach." I entered the office and see Mr. Yaga making some dolls on his desk. "Hm? Kitsuroku, do you need anything?" He asked as he set the doll on his desk. I shake my head and close the door. "No, but I want to talk to you about Suguru." He raised his eyebrows and invited me to sit across from him. "Suguru has been acting weird ever since the star plasma vessel mission, teach and I think sending him on more solo missions is making his condition worse. If you allow it, I want to accompany him on his missions from now on. I don't want anything bad to happen to him." I said to him as he sipped on his tea and hummed. "That is very nice of you to worry about your friend, Kei. But unfortunately, I can't do that." I look at him with a puzzled expression. 

"Why?" He sighed and leaned back on his chair. "With how low the number of sorcerers that are available and from the amount of curses that have been sprouting out lately. We can't afford to let them grow in numbers. I'm sorry Kei. But with our condition at the moment, I can't send you on missions with Suguru." I sigh and stand up from my chair. "If there's nothing you can do, then I'm gonna find another way. Thanks for listening to me teach." Without hearing more of Mr. Yaga's words, I stepped out of his office. I walk towards the dorms while clenching my fist.

There's no way right? What does he mean there are no more sorcerers that can take on more missions? There must be some sorcerer out there that can take my place so that I can accompany Suguru right?

I continue thinking about this until someone's footsteps behind me snap me out of my overthinking. "Suguru." I look behind me and see my friend looking at me with a tired smile that seems forced. "Yo Kei. Did you finished your talk with Mr. Yaga?" He greets me and walks over to my side. "Yeah, but it was fruitless." I rub my face in frustration while Suguru just chuckled beside me. "What did you talk about that made you this annoyed?" I let out a groan, still upset about what Mr. Yaga told me. "I asked him to get me on more missions with you. But he said, the number of sorcerers that are available won't make that possible. I mean there must be someone that can take over my missions right?" I can see Suguru's body tensed a bit after I said that. "I appreciate that you'd do that for me Kei. But I'm alright, there's no need to worry about me." He said while smiling at me. "Dude, I can tell that you are not fine. That's why I talked to teach about it." I looked at him with a deadpan and He just waved his hand while laughing. "I'm fine~. It's just the summer stress, don't worry." I sighed, taking his words to mind. "If you say so. But, if anything happens please don't hesitate to call me, Satoru or Shoko okay? We're here for you Suguru." Suguru wanted to say something, but decided not to. "Thank you, Kei. I'll keep that in mind."

Two years have passed since I had that conversation with Suguru and I've been nothing short of busy ever since. Missions kept popping that caused me to go mission after mission with minimal breaks in between. The only full week break that I got was when Haibara died. He died from being sent to a mission that's way above his level, to this day I'm still pissed that those damn higher ups sent Haibara to that mission. With minimal breaks like this also meant that I can't check up on Suguru. I tried calling him, but every time he wouldn't answer. I tried asking Satoru and Shoko but they said they also haven't heard anything from him.

"Tama-chan, I have a bad feeling." I said to Tamamo as I killed the last curse in this abandoned building . 'A bad feeling about what darling?" I wipe my hands with a handkerchief and start walking out of the building. "I don't know. But I have a feeling that something bad will happen. Call it a gut feeling." I can hear Tamamo humming in thought as I step out of the building. 'Well, if I were you darling, I'd keep myself vigilant in case something happens. After all, with you inheriting most of my traits. That means you now have your wife's amazing intuition.' I chuckled as I entered the car that came to pick me up. As the car starts, I received a message from Mr. Yaga.

'Come to Jujutsu High now, I have news for you.'  I raised my eyebrows at the message, Mr. Yaga doesn't usually message me except for emergencies. I told my driver to go to Jujutsu High and to drive faster.

Arriving at Jujutsu High, I quickly rush to find Mr. Yaga. I find him talking with Satoru in a hallway, with Satoru looking really tense. "Teach! What is it that you want to tell me?" I jogged over to them and can sense just how thick the atmosphere is. "Kei, this will be hard for you to hear."

"I'm sure I can handle it teach." He just nods his head and heaved a heavy sigh. "Suguru massacred a village that he was sent to. He massacred everyone and is now on the run."

"Huh?" was my only response. Suguru massacred a whole village? There's no way right? Suguru would never do that. He would never hurt innocent people, he always preached to us about protecting them. So there no way he did that. Right?

Mr. Yaga continue telling me and Satoru about the news. "There's also nothing left in Suguru's home. But going by the bloodstains, he most likely killed his parents as well."  I widened my eyes and look at Mr. Yaga with a unreadable look on my face. "This is no time to joke like that teach, Suguru would never do that!"

"Yeah! There's no fucking way he did!" Satoru yelled in anger. But Mr. Yaga put his hand on his face and looks down. "Satoru, Kei. I don't get why this is happening either."

"I-I need some fresh air." I said while covering my face with my hand. "I'll join you Kei. I need some time to process all of this." At that, Me and Satoru left Mr. Yaga and walk towards the courtyard.

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