Chapter 3

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"But, for real. I get why the curse user group is after her. But why does the star religious group wants to kill her?" Satoru asked as he took a sip of his drink. I buy myself a drink and answer his question. "From what Suguru told me, the star religious group worship the 'pure' Master Tengen. Ain't that right Suguru?" I looked at Suguru who was walking beside me. "Yup, A star plasma vessel would soil that purity according to them. But they are a non-sorcerer group, so we don't have to worry too much. We need to be more worried about Q."

"Nah, it should be okay. We're the strongest after all. That's why Master Tengen asked for us, right?" Suguru and I looked at Satoru with unimpressed faces after she said that. "You know, Satoru. You should tone down your arrogance and the way you talk." I said as I took a sip of my drink. "Huh?! The hell does that supposed to mean?!"

"What Kei meant to say was, you should be more mindful about the way you talk Satoru. Particularly around your superiors. You're way too rude." I laughed as Suguru started lecturing Satoru, who crushed the can on his hand with his limitless. "That way even your juniors won't be scared of you." Hearing enough of the lecture from me and Suguru, Satoru let out a groan. "Alright Alright! Geez, gimme a break."

Before Satoru could talk more, an explosion caught our attention. We look up to a nearby apartment building and saw a hole had been blown off by a bomb. "Is it our fault if the kid's dead?" Satoru nonchalantly asks as Suguru summons his curse to grab the star plasma vessel. "See? You're making light of someone's death Satoru" I said in a teasing tone as his face morphed to annoyance and faced me. "Oh shut it you asshat. Suguru, get the girl. Me and Kei will take care of the goons." Without saying a word, Suguru summons a curse and flies towards the girl.

"Phew~ made it in time." Just as Satoru heaved a sigh, knives were thrown at him. Good thing, or bad depending on your view, his limitless was on. "Damn, I wanna see you get stabbed Satoru." I arrived a second later just as the knives were floating in front of him. "Ha! You wish Kei. I'm sure you wanna see me get stabbed huh?~" I fire a ball of lightning towards the incoming goons and easily take them out. "Dude, I don't swing that way and even if I was gay I don't ever wanna be with an arrogant, knife loving masochist." Just as Satoru started walking towards me with a sneer on his face, a Q soldier appeared.

"You must be Gojo Satoru. You're famous. I heard you were strong." A soldier from Q who threw the knives walked toward us with confidence in his voice. "Show me if the rumors are true." I rolled my eyes and start taking down the other Q goons. "Sure. but let's make a rule." The soldier seemed confused at that. "Rule?" Satoru nods his head with a grin on his face as he throws the knives away. "Yup! I don't wanna get in trouble you see. So if you cry and apologize, I won't kill you. How's that? Fair right?" That provocation from Satoru seemed to riled up the soldier as he start attacking Satoru without a plan.

"Man, wonder what Shoko's doing right now. Probably smoking again huh Tama-chan?" I ask Tamamo while effortlessly taking out the goons. 'That or she's studying. She has reverse curse technique after all, she could be a valuable healer.' I hum in agreement and I lean my head to the side as something shoots past me, I turn around and see more goons with their curse techniques activated. "Do you mind? I was having a nice conversation, you know." I activated my technique again and started taking out the goons effortlessly.

"Anyway, Tama-chan. Why are you so interested in Shoko anyway? I thought you'd never take interest in a potential 'rival'." I weaved my body out of a Q soldier's attack and shocked him with my lightning. 'This time I, Tamamo no Mae, shall make an exception. I can't ignore such adorable girl like Shoko now can I darling?~'

"Guess you can't huh? You even gave me the green light to tell her about me being your vessel." I charge my lightning up and shoot the rest of the remaining goons to knock them out. 'She seems trustworthy darling and my intuition is usually never wrong. Plus she's just so adorable!' I sigh and tuned Tamamo out as she starts rambling about how adorable and cute Shoko is, which I agree with. But if I want to gush over Shoko with Tamamo, I'd rather do it in private. "Seems like Satoru is having fun." I said as I saw Satoru taking a selfie with the downed Q soldier while laughing like a maniac.

"Are you done gushing over Shoko dear?" I received a very happy hum from Tamamo. 'Nope! But I can do it later. I can't leave my dear husband all alone now can I?'

"Hehe, nope. You can't." I said as I took a seat on a nearby bench.

"Yo Kei- The hell are you doing? talking to yourself and smiling like that? You gone crazy fighting those guys?" I look up and see Satoru towering over me with a shit-eating grin on his face. "Shut up, I was having a nice break. Until you come in and ruin it, you knife loving masochist~" His shit-eating grin is replaced by an irritated one as he starts choking me with his arms. "You think you're funny huh?" I start laughing while trying to take his hands off of my face and neck. "Oh shut up Satoru, I saw you blush earlier." His irritated face became more irritated and I started laughing even more.

My phone starts ringing and I shoo Satoru away like a cat, which made him angrier. "Yo, Suguru. Did ya take care of the soldiers? Me? Yeah I'm fine. Hey Suguru did ya know that Satoru has a knife kink?" After I said that I sensed Satoru jumping towards me, but thanks to my reflexes I was able to dodge him. "I know right?! Pretty wild kink if you ask me. Anyway, which floor are on? Alright, on my way." I looked over to Satoru who was on the floor holding his knee in pain, which made me laugh again and snap a picture of him down on the ground.

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