Total Drama Island and Action (Season 1 and 2) Shippings

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Duncney (Duncan and Courtney) 5/10

While they were considered an iconic couple on the show, their relationship was definitely toxic and caused some damage to Courtney's character. They had some good moments in season 1, but ultimately, Duncan seemed to lose interest once Courtney tried to make their relationship more serious. It's possible that Duncan was more interested in winning a prize and getting the attention of someone who wouldn't normally give him the time of day outside the show.

Gidgette (Geoff and Bridgette) 7/10

Their relationship is characterized by a relaxed and easy-going nature. While their frequent displays of physical affection may imply a heavy emphasis on attraction, it is reassuring to know that they share a genuine affection for one another that extends beyond the physical realm. 

Gwent (Gwen and Trent) 4/10

They were a great couple in season 1, but when the writers made Trent's behavior needier and clingy in Action, it destroyed their relationship. Additionally, Gwen allowing Duncan to influence her decisions caused tension between her and Trent. Like, you allowed someone to tell you some BS about how many letters their combined names make determine the nature of their relationship. It's always a shame when good relationships are affected by outside influences.

Gweoff (Gwen and Geoff) 10/10

Despite their differences, Gwen and Geoff share a unique bond. While Geoff is known for his outgoing party personality, he sees something special in Gwen and values her as a friend. Although they may not have ended up together romantically, their platonic relationship shows that opposites can attract and make great friends.

Ozzy (Owen and Izzy) 9/10

When it comes to Total Drama Island couples, Owen and Izzy are an iconic and beloved pair. Both characters embody the chaotic good alignment, which makes them such a dynamic duo. Their shared love for adventure and willingness to take risks makes for an entertaining and unpredictable relationship. One of the most memorable moments between the two was when Owen stood up for Izzy during a challenge and was willing to throw the game to protect her from Heather's insults.

Lyler (Tyler and Lindsey) 7/10

Ah, Tyler and Lindsey - the classic pretty girl and jock pairing that has captured the hearts of many Total Drama Island fans. While some may view their relationship as cliché, there's no denying they share a special connection. Despite their differences, Tyler and Lindsey accept and understand each other in a way that few other people can. They bring out the best in each other, and their chemistry is undeniable. It's easy to picture a future where they are still together in the long run, supporting each other through life's ups and downs. Their relationship may have started out as a high school romance, but it has the potential to turn into something much more meaningful and long-lasting.

Lesharold (Harold and Leshawna) 2/10

While I'm here for having interracial couples, Harold's and Leshawna's relationship was rushed and almost forced. Their relationship seemed out of nowhere and lacked the depth and chemistry other couples on the show had. While it's great to see diverse representation on screen, it's important also to give those relationships the time and effort they deserve to make them feel authentic and meaningful.

Deather (Heather and Duncan) 3/10

I can only see a relationship between Heather and Duncan on Total Drama Island as a short-lived fling. If I remember right, the idea of this shipping came about during episode 24 of the first season, where Heather laid down on Duncan's chest when the final four got lost in the woods, and Heather and Gwen used the boy's lowered guards to trick them. Both characters have a reputation for being manipulative leaders, so if that moment was legit and not a trick, it wouldn't be entirely surprising that they were drawn to each other. However, it's hard to imagine a future where they would be together long-term, as their personalities and goals are too different to sustain a lasting relationship.

Chris and Chef 10/10

Chris and Chef are not a romantic couple on Total Drama Island, but I can see them being one. The way they bicker and banter back and forth makes it seem like they've been married for years. They have an undeniable chemistry, even if it's not romantic. While their dynamic may not be the healthiest, with Chris not paying Chef enough to deal with his shenanigans, it's clear that they have a deep understanding of each other and can work together effectively.

Noco (Noah and Cody) 0/10

Noah and Cody are a ship that some fanbase support, but I don't see it. While there was a memorable moment where Noah kissed Cody's ear during the Big Sleep challenge, there wasn't much other interaction between them to support the idea of a romance. Noah and Cody are a ship popularized by one fleeting moment rather than any real connection between the characters.

Gwody (Gwen and Cody) -10/10

While some may see potential in the pairing, this is just a huge no for me—Cody's persistent and sometimes creepy behavior towards Gwen was just cringe. Cody often came across as a try-hard and didn't seem to understand Gwen's boundaries. He would push for her affection even when she made it clear she wasn't interested. His behavior was reminiscent of the "nice guy" trope, where a guy feels entitled to a girl's affection just because he's nice to her. After trying to help Trent and Gwen have a moment together after the Boney Island challenge and deciding to be friends with her, I would have given this a 3/10 or a 4/10. 

Justin and Courtney 6/10

Justin and Courtney may not have been the most obvious pairing on Total Drama Island, but I can see the potential for a relationship between them. They may not have had the screen time together during Island, but their interactions in Action hinted at a potential romance that could have worked. Justin was willing to change himself for Courtney and be a better person, which is a testament to how much he valued her and her inner beauty. On the other hand, Courtney would have influenced Justin to use more of his brain and not rely on his looks, which could have helped him grow. At the end of the Princess episode, I wish Courtney hadn't tried to keep Duncan in the game and said Justin deserved to go home.


If there's any shipping I didn't mention here, put them in the comment section, and I'll do a part 2.

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