Total Drama World Tour (Season 3) Shippings

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Gwuncan (Gwen and Duncan) -10/10

This is a relationship I knew was never going to work out. During Island, there were hints of them possibly being in a relationship due to their shared interests, but Gwen and Duncan were better when they were just friends. The main thing that kills me about this shipping is how much the fandom blames Courtney or Gwen for the cheating scandal. Barely anyone holds Duncan accountable for this messy love triangle. Like my guy, if you were so unhappy in your relationship with Courtney, you could have just broken up with her, giving him and her a clean break from a toxic relationship.

While a part of Duncan genuinely loves and cares about Courtney, at the end of the day, for me, all he truly cares about is that he is the only guy who has her love and attention. During World Tour, when Courtney would flirt with other guys like Tyler or Alejandro, he didn't care because he knew even after what he did, she still loved him and instead teamed up with Alejandro to get her out of the competition. Heck, in All-Stars, the only time he was affectionate with Gwen was when Courtney paid attention.

My biggest grip about this shipping is that while in a relationship, Duncan decided to cheat and pursue things with Gwen, but that doesn't mean Gwen is also not at fault. After the first kiss, in her confession, she said, "If they kiss again, she will tell Courtney." If it happened again, you would tell. Seriously. If she felt so bad about what happened and wanted to have a friendship with Courtney, she would have immediately told her instead of hoping that Tyler could keep his mouth shut.

Aleheather (Heather and Alejandro) 10/10

Heather and Alejandro's relationship in Total Drama World Tour is an intriguing blend of similarities and differences. Their journey from enemies to friends to lovers is a classic trope, but how they make it work is unique. Despite their manipulative tendencies, they have a surprisingly healthy relationship, constantly keeping each other on their toes. Heather and Alejandro need to be number one, adding an exciting element of competition to their dynamic. It's like a game of cat and mouse, each trying to outdo the other and emerge as the winner.

Courtney and Heather 3/10

While some fans might see Courtney and Heather as a potential couple, I think they would have a badass friendship. They have a lot in common, like their competitive nature, and they have shown that they can work well together when they put their differences aside. I think their friendship would be strong and supportive, and it would be great to see them encouraging each other to be their best selves. The major thing I can see stopping is their need to be the leader. While they can be equals, the need to be in a leadership position would be the cause of a lot of fights.

Alejandro and Tyler 2/10

When I first heard about this shipping, I was confused as heck as to where this idea came from. When we were first introduced to Alejandro, Tyler had a small bi-moment, but outside of that, I could not remember any other interaction suggesting they could be a couple. Then I saw the "time to pay back the favor" clip. After seeing that, I can only see the two being a one-night stand or an occasional booty call if the possibility of a relationship was canon.

Coderra (Cody and Sierra) -10/10

I have two words to describe this pairing: JUST NO. Like this is not a shipping is like literarily a trying Stockholm syndrome. Sierra is season 1 Cody cranked up to level 11. I know a lot of the fandom says Cody is getting what he deserves and karma for how he acted with Gwen. But no one deserves to have a girl they never met and know every detail and fact about them, go through their clothes to sniff their shoes, and during a challenge, try to force a legal marriage between the two of them. Cody is a creep with his infatuation with Gwen, but Sierra is a straight-up stalker and closeted Yandere to have pictures of Cody showering on her phone.

Let me say this while we're on the topic: the trope of the love-struck girl chasing the guy needs to stop seriously. It's not cute and teaches the young girls who watch the shows with the trope the wrong things about love. We saw this trope in Pucca, with her always chasing and forcefully kissing Garu. We saw this in Marinette with her "pursuit" with Adrien. In the words of MJ: Stop it, get some help.


If there's any shipping I didn't mention here, put them in the comment section, and I'll do a part 2.

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