9- First Child

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Tim pov

I was just on patrol, like any other day when I got the call.

"Hey Harper." I said answering my phone. "Why didn't you just use the radio?" I asked, confused.

"It's Lucy, she's gone into labour."

I was so surprised I nearly slammed the breaks. Lucy had refused to go on maternity leave, she was always at work.

"I'll be right there, which hospital is she at?"

"Shaw Memorial, hurry." She said, then I heard Lucy yell in the background. "Where the hell is Tim!" Harper hung up befit I could say anything more.

I put my foot to the pedal, police sirens turned on.

I made it to the hospital in record breaking time, quickly running in. I saw Dr Grace in the waiting room.

"Hey, have you seen Lu-" I was cut off by yelling.

"GET ME TIIIMMMMM!" It was Lucy, and by the sound of it she was having a contraction.

"Never mind." I said to Grace, following the direction the sound came from.

I saw Lopez first.

"Hey, where's Lucy?"

"They're getting her a room, and a quick warning, she's scarier than ME right now." I was shocked, no one's scarier than Angela.

I hurried off to Lucy's room. Once I saw her she lit up.

"Tim! I'm so glad your heerrrrreeee." She broke into another contraction.

"The baby is coming minute now." The doctor told me.

Lots of pushing and screaming later, Lucy finally gave birth to our beautiful baby girl.

Nolan, Harper, Lopez, Grey, Wesley, Bailey, Tamara, Aaron and Celina all flooded into the room. It was packed.

Lucy cuddled our daughter close before looking up at the crowd.

"Everyone, meet Emma Harper Bradford." A chorus of awww's filled the room. "Em, meet your family." She then said to the baby.

Lucy handed my little angel over to me for the first time. I loved her so much, from the moment I saw her.

I was so excited to welcome this addition to the family.

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