The proposal

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Luner was walking to the entrance of the pizza plex Because he was going to be meeting his boyfriend caster. For their date.
Lunar: hey bae
Castor: hello lulu
Lunar: aw You're calling me by my nickname.
Castor blushes a bright blue. And turns his head away.  flustered.
Sun: Hey Lunar
Lunar: hey Sun
Sun: So you may want to get out of here with Castor as fast as you can.
Lunar: What why?
Sun: Because moon found out you 2 were going on a date.
Moon: LUNAR Come here, I need to talk to you and Castor.!!
Lunar: Yeah, let's go cas

Lunar and Castro bolt out of the pizza plex Lunar and Castor continued chatting until they reached the limo. That Monti was going to be driving them to their date.

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ At the restaurant.☆☆☆☆
Lunar: This food is actually really good.
Castor: Lunar, I have a question to ask you.
Lunar: OK

Castro gets on one knee and looks at lunar.

Castor: will you marry me?
Castor: I love you

What they didn't realize was moon, sun, bloody, harvest, Solar, Earth ,Monty., And ruin were watching them the entire time along with polux

Moon: I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him.
Sun: Let's not kill our brother's partner.
Lunar: wtf You guys were watching us the whole time!?
Sun: Don't look At us it was moon's idea. Anyway congratulations
Lunar: Thanks, I guess.???
Castor: Well looney We better get to planning.
Lunar: Right

This is going to be absolutely adorable.

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