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Castor and Lunar were so exci
ted for the wedding. They were planning everything with a little bit of help from Luners, family of course.

Lunar: So we should definitely make the decorations more starthemed.
Castor: I agree, since both of our esthetics are star-like.
Moon: Have you 2 decided what decorations to use?
Lunar: Yup, we're leaning towards more star themed since both of our esthetics are stars.
Moon: O k, and have you 2 decided on outfits?
Lunar: yup
Lunars outfit:

Moon: O k, and have you 2 decided on outfits?Lunar: yupLunars outfit:

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Castor outfit :

Moon: Lunar, can I talk to your fiancé?Lunar: Of course, I'll finish planning with sunMoon takes Castro into the other room

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Moon: Lunar, can I talk to your fiancé?
Lunar: Of course, I'll finish planning with sun

Moon takes Castro into the other room.

Moon: Listen to me, you break his heart. I'll kill you.
Castor: No worries, moon. I'll love him till the end of time.
Moon: Lunar did a good job of choosing you. You're kind. I know you'll treat him well.

Moon and Castro go back into the room where lunar and sun were planning.

Lunar: Oh, Hey, caster.
Castor: hey darling~

Lunar blushes and looks away.

Sun: Moon, can you believe it? high school sweethearts And now they're getting married.
Moon: Yeah, it's shocking.
Sun: Ye 5 years of being together. And now they're getting married.

Sun and moon Snap out of their thoughts when they hear a loud crash.

Sun: What happened!!
Lunar: The twins are being rambunctious.
Moon: Does that actually surprise you anymore?
Lunar:  not really no.
Pollux: Hey, Castor Hey lunar
Castor: hello Pollux
Lunar: hi Pollux You're just in time to help plan.

Are you guys excited to see what happens through their romance?
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I made this At like 4 in the morning. And my Uncle Rick is on the couch. Drunk playing is  A zombie game. So pray for my sleep schedule

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