it's time

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BTW. This takes place 3 months after my last chapter.

Today was the day. The day lunar was excited for the most. The day he gets to Mary Castor

Lunar: Sun, I'm so nervous
Sun: Lunar, there's no need to be nervous.
Lunar: What if he has second thoughts? What if -what if-
Sun: Lulu, look at me. It's going to be okay.
Lunar: Okay, I just got to calm down and breathe.

( For sure, I'm gonna call the efficient e.)

E: Do you lunar celestial take caster starlight to be your lovely wedded husband?
Lunar: I do
E: Do you caster starling take lunar  celestial to be your lovely wedded husband?
Castor: I do
E: By the power vested in me and the families here. I now pronounce you husband and husband You may kiss the groom

Castor leans over and kisses lunar.

Sun: Congratulations :)
Lunar: Thanks Sun
Solar: Well, congratulations Lulu.
Lunar : Thank you all.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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