1 month

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This is one month into Castors pregnancy.

Lunar: hey starbeam
Castor: hi lulu
Lunar: What on earth are you eating?
Castor: pickles and cake
Lunar: ok then Anyway, I came ask you some questions about the name. You know, for the baby.
Castor: I was thinking maybe star or midnight.
Lunar: Oh well, we got 8 months to figure that out Whether or not it's a boy or a girl I just hope they're a healthy baby.
Castor:me too

Lunar gently rubbs casters stomach.

Lunar: I love you sweetheart
Castor: I love you too looni
Castor: I'm just really nervous. I've never had a baby before. How are we gonna be good parents?
Lunar: Sweetheart, relax, stress isn't good for the baby.
Castor: * sighs *  You're right I just wanna be  the perfect parent
Lunar: Nobody is the perfect parent. But what we can do is try our best To raise this baby.          Now without being said. We better go shopping for the baby.
Castor: * giggles* ok hun

That is going to be all for this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed.

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