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Warning!: slight smut

Lunar and Castor were on their honeymoon. They got the idea to have a

Castor: mhm~ Lunar f-faster
Lunar: aha~I'm gonna-


The next morning Castor runs to the bathroom and vomits.

Castor: Lunar I think I'm sick
Lunar: * Places a hand on casters, forehead.* You don't have a fever or anything.

Caster remembers what happened last night and lunar did as well
Castor: You don't think I am.... You know
Lunar: Only one way to find out.

Castor comes back into the room. It's positive

Castor: Lunar, we've been married for 6 months. How are we gonna tell your family about this?!
Lunar: shh~ My little star beam relax We'll figure it out..

Later Lunar went to go talk to moon with Castor.

Moon: He's what!?
Lunar: he's pregnant
Sun: Congratulations  you too.

I'm ending it right there because I know. I'm gonna get a lot of hate. For making this chapter in the first place honestly I don't give A flying spinning touring. F*CK
So yeah, if you came to hate on this chapter suck my Left kneecap
So those of you who didn't come here to hate. I hope you all enjoyed.

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