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Okay so first of all my dad is actually vv chill and he's pretty great at times and he's doing good as a single father

With that being said jESUS CHRIST HE MAKES ME ANGRY. Okay so my room is messy. Very messy. And this past weekend we went clothes shopping and I got a bunch of really really cute clothes and he made a deal with me that once I cleaned my room I could have my clothes. Well, I cleaned my room and now he'll only let ,e have a few things because "there's other stuff to be done and if the clothes are going to be your motivational tool then that's how it's gonna be." And that's bullshit like I already have another motivational tool, which his him giving me money to go to the movies tomorrow. It's not fair for me to do all this stuff and then for him to go back on his word. In fact our deal yesterday was that he would give me the money I needed for tomorrow after I did the dishes and did two loads of laundry. Well, I did it and guess who still doesn't have any money.


He bosses me around constantly and doesn't even offer to help out around the house or say thank you. I mean, I get it, I'm the kid he's the adult but at the same time, since my mom's passing, there are only two of us and he constantly tells me he needs help, well sO DO I. And with all that being said /he's/ the adult, not me. I shouldn't have to take care of the whole house by myself.

Rant over...for now.

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