Chapter #12

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Carr leans over trying to see where they went, but the tree is against the cliff rocks. As Toad leads his steed around the tree Carr sees there is a stone ramp hidden by an outcropping of rock wall; the tall tree obscures the difference in space. Ascending to the ramp's end Carr hears Burt speaking. "Hey Ul. Afternoon Trai."

A deep slow voice responds, "hey, Burt."

Carr looks over to see a very large man with rounded features staring back.

The second sentry is an average sized Human with long stringy brown hair and unkempt facial hair. "Back early eh? I see the new apprentices are still alive. Who's the fourth with the nice horse?"

Burt uses his thumb to point back. "He says his name is Carr. Says he wants to meet with Marten."

"Oh yeah." The rough male snaps his fingers, "Carr is it? What's your business here?"

Nodding Carr humbly approaches, "refuge for at least a few days."

The rough man laughs, "this ain't a place of worship. What makes you think you'll be welcome here?"

Burt tells the rough man, "get this Trai, he says he's the one who ripped off King Darvel."

"You don't say," Trai puts a finger to his lip looking Carr over. "Well, the boss will definitely want to hear your story." Speaking to Burt, "secure your weapons and get Glar to get Marten." He asks Carr, "have you ever been here before?"

"Many years ago," Carr simply states, "my Pa brought me here to do some trading."

"Very nice," Trai sarcastically remarks, "a father and son outing. To a den of thieves." He laughs.

The big sentry laughs with Trai joking along. "Did yous hold hands too?"

Humorously Carr responds, "yeah."

Causing the whole group to laugh while Trai explains the rules, "okay, okay. No weapons in the lower levels. No cheating or stealing while inside. Plotting and scheming is kept to meetings. Oh, and fighting is only permitted if gambling is involved."

"That's easy to remember," Carr attempts to joke with them, "same rules I grew up with."

Chuckling more at his youth Trai comments, "growing up eh?" He nudges Ul, "I think he'll be alright here. Whatcha think?"

"Dah," Ul thinks Carr looks feminine, "are we sure he's a he?"

Burt busts out laughing causing Cal and Toad to take a second look of Carr, which makes Trai laugh.

Turning red Carr comes up with, "well I do pee standing up."

While chuckling away Trai adds, "so do some women I know." Stretching back his arm towards the cave opening, "go on in boys."

Burt and Toad walk in side by side still laughing, Cal follows wondering.

Remembering how to tell Carr lifts his chin pointing to his Adam's apple, "I just remembered this bump is only on males."

Ul looks at it then for Trai's, "is that true?" Briefly pointing at Trai's neck.

With beard lifted up Trai feels his, "well I've got one." Trying to show it to Ul, "I never really noticed on women. Must be looking at better bumps," laughing drops the beard.

Ul feels his thick round neck speaking low, "hey Trai. I don't got one."

Seeing Trai with a raised brow looking at Ul searching for an Adam's apple, Carr extends his hand for a shake, "it was good to meet you Trai. I'll stay on my best behavior."

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