Chapter #36

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Seeing the path to Ingleside ahead, Jasmine steers the leafy vessel towards the bank.

Knowing their time together is at an end Carr offers, "if you ever need my services in the future. Or you're just in the area, I'll always welcome your company."

"You're awfully sweet Carr," She replies as the leaf hits the bank, "I'm certain, if I'm in the area I can at least make the effort to say hello."

With a wide smile Carr gathers his things, "thank you Jasmine. For allowing me to get to know a being as wonderful and beautiful as you."

She smiles from the compliment, "and thank you for showing me that males aren't all bad." Curious to how her own boy has grown up she says, "tell your mother that I was, am sorry for getting you involved."

Shrugging Carr hops out of the leaf. "I'm not, but I'll be sure to tell her."

"Hey, ah, Carr," she has one more request, "please try not to speak too much of who I am and where I travel. It's important that my race, like others moves quietly and unseen about our world."

"I'll try my best to only say what's necessary." Carr pushes her back into the current, "good luck in your journeys."

"You too Carr, you too," she waves goodbye as the river whisks her away.

Even though she never looks back again Carr watches until she slips beyond a river bend.

Looking to the skies he guesses it's early evening and knows it will take several hours to walk to Ingleside. Making sure the flask is full Carr stares down the path to Ingleside. Carried on a chilly wind tiny droplets of rain. Exhaling deeply, he starts walking.

As darkness sets in, he sees a decent tree to sit down under. With all the excitement over the last few days needs some sleep. Leaning as cozily as possible against the tree closes his eyes.


Waking the next morning with a shiver Carr quickly takes care of things to get moving.

The sparse forest canopy lets in cold drizzly rain. Making small woodland creature sightings sparse. Sheltered from the weather, birds rest in the trees waiting to continue their migration south. Carr wonders if they will pass over the Swanmay or perhaps end up in the same place.

Taking a long rest in the afternoon he finds one last piece of dried meat to eat in the backpack. His body's wounds, though mostly healed still ache in the dampness as he stretches out.

Adjusting the weapons on his belt re-examines the newly acquired sword. Studying the blade's markings, he's sure they are the same as the other stolen from Lord Piate last month. Carefully he returns the poisonous blade to its' sheath. I can't believe there are more of these blades out here. And I've got two. Violetta's going to think I haven't gotten rid of the first one.

Drinking down the last of the water Carr gets ready to travel again. Even if she doesn't believe me and is mad, I'll be happy to see her. Rehearsing possible conversations with Violetta keeps his mind occupied while trekking through the damp woods.

Leaving the shelter of the woods late in the afternoon the rains worsen.

Rounding a bend, he looks far to the west. Dim orange glows mark the tiny huts outside Ingleside. Knowing he's closer to being home trudges on.

Passing some of the villages outer darkened homes Carr thinks of warmth, something to eat and sleep.

Crossing Ingleside's eastern bridge senses that the town is sleeping quietly. Figuring Violetta will be as well Carr recalls her last request, not to show up so late.

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