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"But I do remember who I am and where I came from."  Danielle defended herself.
Rani ignored her and went on with the story.
"Gonzalo had infiltrated aboard the ship of the man who had delivered the greatest treasures that had ever been transported across these waters.  He had become close to the crew, captain included.  Guerra had sailed back to Spain to retrieve his daughter in hopes that they would all start a new life in the new world.  Once the daughter was aboard, Gonzalo tried to charm his way into the woman's heart.  She showed absolutely no interest in him.  So instead he sought to take what was not his.  He attempted to rape her, knowing that claiming her body meant she would be forced to concede and marry him.  Making him the rightful inheritor of Guerra's treasure and location."
This made Danielle squirm uncomfortably.  She was feeling sick to her stomach.
"The girl fought back, and he was not able to carry out his disgusting deed.  Gonzalo had been hired by the three other commanders of Guerra's merchant ships, to gain access to his treasure by any means possible.  Guerra had no idea that Gonzalo was none other than notorious criminal and pirate Henry Kirkland." 
Rani said sitting down.
"When he could not get it the easy way through Guerra's daughter, he devised to capture the captain and his children by laying an ambush at a strategic port that the ship was scheduled to stop at.  What was waiting at that port would be the end of the Guerra family.  Gonzolo's men along with several of the commanders men were waiting."
Danielle studied Rani's now weary face.
"The only people who escaped out of the crew were a small number, who were loyal to ship and captain, including Guerra's old first mate Pierre, a former slave from Haiti who was liberated by Fransisco many years prior.  The rest had either perished in the fight, or surrendered and switched allegiances in self preservation."
"As for Guerra's children, his daughter was publicly beaten and thrown into prison.  None have ever seen her again.  Antonio was killed immediately.  He went down with Guerra's burning ship.  As for the great captain himself."  Rani continued his eyes blank.
"He was tortured and interrogated for 3 days and nights, he died slowly never giving up his secrets.  Guerra's treasure forever lost."
Both of them fell silent for a long time.
"And so you think that I might be playing the same trick that Blackheart played, but on you?"  She asked him.
His eyes flashed angrily and he looked at her.
"But there must be something that can prove to you that I am who I say I am."  She said.
Then she remembered.
"Where are my clothes?  You must have found me in my clothes?" She asked getting up, she now paced the room her hands thrown up in exasperation. 
He just sat looking at her for a moment.  Just when she thought she wasn't going to get anywhere with him, he stood and walked over to the chest that sat along the wall.  He unlocked it and pulled out her gray sweat pants, her black Disney sweatshirt and even her panties.  She felt a little ridiculous tearing up looking at her clothes.  But she had thought she would never see anything from her time again, and looking at the clothes had confirmed, for her at least, that she was exactly who she said she was.
She ran over to him and sank to the floor at his feet.  He looked odd holding the modern clothing. 
She pulled the pink panties from his hands first explaining and not even bothered that this would usually be a sensitive subject to a man who wasn't a boyfriend or husband.
"This is called panties, these are what women in my time wear as undergarments." 
She pulled the sweatpants next.
"These are my sweatpants, I bought this at Target which is a huge store in a building filled with all kinds of things that people can buy.  It has the convenience of finding all the things you need from clothes to food to tools in one place." 
Last she pulled her black Disney sweatshirt.
"This is my favorite sweatshirt.  My dad bought it for me the last time we went to Disney world when I was 14 years old."  She did shed tears then and wiped it away quickly. 
She ran her hand over the thick stitching of the Mickey head, she grabbed Rani's hand and made him feel the stitching too "you feel that?  I bet you've never even seen stitching like this in your time.  And look at the back see how the word is stitched in too?  Disney is an amusement park.  You can't even fathom what kinds of things they have there."  She said excitedly.  "Do you believe me now?"  She asked hugging the sweatshirt to her.
He studied her as she had explained each piece of garment to him, his expression reserved.  He thought for a long moment and paced in front of her.
"I can't be sure." He said finally.
"What do you mean you can't be sure?  It's all right here!" She said lifting her clothes for him to look again.
"Seniorita I have traveled far and wide throughout the world.  I have seen strange things, maybe nothing like the clothes you hold, but it is possible that you come from someplace I have yet to have seen."  He concluded.
She was furious, tears were streaming down her face and she didn't bother to wipe at them this time.
"You're a fool.  I'm telling you the truth!  You can see the truth right in front of you and yet you still won't believe me!  What do I have to do show you a whole car for you to understand?"  She cried and then turned away from him.
He knelt down to her and placed one hand gently on her shoulder.  She shrugged him off.
"There is one thing that I need to know."  He began.
"The necklace you spoke of.  What did it look like?"
"What would that prove?"  She asked defeatedly.
"I need to know."  He repeated.
She was quiet for a moment.  And then she finally answered him.
"It was gold.  It had 3 holes in it.  On one side of it there was a star symbol above the 3 holes, wave symbols below the holes.  Then there was a line and at the very bottom of the line was a V and a cross.  On the other side of the coin was a small circle symbol, waves symbol below that, and three holes." She finished.
He turned her to face him.
"This is the coin that you have just described."  He said in a very serious tone.  He had pulled out the gold pendant and necklace.  She stared at him in shock.
"So you've had it all this time?"  She asked confusion and hurt evident in her voice.
He did something she did not expect.
"There were only 3 of these coins ever forged."  He said.  "Blackheart once held 2 of the 3 coins."
He pulled out another coin, this one loose and not mounted on a chain.  He held them both together side by side, each identical to the other.
She gasped.
"I now hold 2 of 3 coins."  He said.

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