Past, Present, Future

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a crimson moth flies through a snowstorm and proceed to entered a room.

the scene changes to an old man, sitting in front of a chessboard.

Pierro: the sages think themselves to be all-knowing. but we alone are wise to the virtue in those acts of folly.

he reached a white knight and knocks over a black pawn which the crimson moth settles on.

Pierro: but in this war, not even a single pawn may be spared... because on this chessboard, "checkmate" is not where the game ends.

the scene once again changes. inside of the cathedral, a group of people gathered.

Pulcinella: we are gathered here today to remember our dear comrade. in honor of her sacrifice, all work should halt for half a day as the nation mourns her passing.

a white-haired elderly man with pointy ears and nose said as he looked at the coffin.

Pantalone: hehe... merely half a day.

a second later, a fairly handsome man wearing a glasses appears from the shadow amd walked to the group of people.

Pantalone: people say the northland bank's true currencies are blood and tears... but mayor, even speaking as a banker, that sounds a little unconscionable

he said with a mocking smile while closing his eyes.

this responded by one of the harbinger goes by name...

Arlecchino: rosalyne died in a foreign land... but you heartless businessmen and dignitaries, always with a convenient excuse to remain in the comfort of your homeland...

she said as she gives him a side eye.

Arlecchino: you couldn't hope to understand. so why don't you keep your mouths shut! *annoyed*

she slightly raised her voice, as she looked at pantalone for a moment before turning back her gaze.

Arlecchino: we don't want to make the children cry...

Tartaglia: hey, c'mon now, even I don't think this is the right time or place for a fight!

the man were sitting at a pew.

from the side, stands something like ruin guard that are carrying a girl.

next to her is a tall man, wears a jacket and a mask that looks hollow.

Sandrone: utterly risible!

Capitano: though her methods tarnished her honor, lohefalter's sacrifice is a great pity. her loss shall not hinder our progress. but Dottore...

he looked at the man across him, leaning against one of the pillars while playing with a test tube.

Dottore: yes, i know. conventional wisdom holds that divine knowledge cannot be rationally comprehended. after conquering the Divine Gaze, he will make his next move.

the doctor said in a smirk before an old man, wearing a mask that covers half of his face entered the cathedral.

Pierro: it's time to end tonight's foolish theatrics. right now, you have no captive audience.

the harbingers then gathered around signora's coffin.

Pierro: let every worthy sacrifice be carved in ice, and with this nation endure for all time.

the temperature slowly drops.

Pierro: in the name of Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa, we will seize authority from the gods...

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