Let it be - Jc Caylen fanfiction

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I stood outside with my umbrella in the rain, waiting for my ride to come

. Then a black car pulled up, my friend Miya. Miya is my new friend. I just moved from Nebraska to Texas a few weeks before collage started. Miya was my closest friend, even though I didn't know to much about her.

"Finally." I said while getting in the car and smiling at her.

"Yeah well I had to convince my brother to borrow his car to come get you." She replied with a slight smile.

"If you don't mind, we are going to hangout at my house for awhile before we go see the movie. It doesn't start until 10."

"Oh. That's fine." I said.

She started the car and drove off.

"I didn't know you had a brother." I said to Miya.

"Yeah. He's older than me. He's cool though... I guess."


We pulled up into the drive way of her house and got out of the car.

"He's home too, so we won't be alone while my parents are out." She said. I just nodded. She rang the doorbell since the door was locked, then her brother answered the door. I didn't notice him right away because I was finishing a text but when I look up from my phone I saw the cutest smile

. "Hi, you must be Arianna." He continued to smile at me as me and Miya walked through the door,

" I'm Jc."

"Yeah yeah she doesn't care." Said Miya pushing me into the living room.

As soon as she stopped pushing me I quickly turned around and said," Hi, Jc." With an uncontrollable smile

. It was hard not to smile. Then he smiled back.

"Um. Before this gets awkward, how about me and you go upstairs Ari." Said Miya grabbing my arm.

I didn't try to stop her instead I just followed her upstairs into her room. As soon as we got into her room I sat on her bed.

"Oh my gosh." She said plopping on the bed next to me.

"What?" I said.

"You like him! You like my brother Jc!"

"What are you talking about." I started to turn red. Was it that obvious?

"Don't lie. I've only known you for a few weeks and I know when you are lying." She said to me

"And what if I do?" I said. Instead of replying, she shrugged her shoulders.

Then finally said," I don't know. But I'm going to run to seven eleven to get some snacks. The candy and the theatre is way to expensive. We can just put some in our purses. Do you want to come?"

"I think I'll wait here."

She looked at me then got up, opened her door and looked down the hallway. I heard the sound of water running.

"Well, okay. At least I won't have to worry about you and my brother since he is in the shower. I you want you can stay in my room and watch tv."


She handed me the remote and walked out the door leaving her bedroom door open. I heard her footsteps go down the stairs and the front door open and close. I turned on the tv and flipped through the channels. There was nothing on. All of a sudden the sound of water stopped. He was getting out of the shower

. The rooms are straight a crossed from each other and since the door was open I could see into his room. It was dark and the only light I could see was the light coming from the bottom of the bathroom door inside his room. The light expanded as the door was pushed open. He slowly walked across the room to his dresser with only a towel around his waist. He must of thought he was alone and that I went with his sister.

He opened the top dresser and grabbed basket ball shorts. He still didn't know I was looking, I almost couldn't help it. He looked amazing. He started to take off the towel. As soon as it was about to fall to the floor, I shouted," wait wait." He looked up and over at me and tightened the towel against his waist.

"Sorry. I didn't realize.." I cut off.

He was staring at me. "Ummm... Yeah uhh... I'll just shut this."

I said while pushing my palm against the door until the door was completely shut. I felt like an idiot. --


Didn't take much time to go over this, sorry if there are mistakes. Do you guys like it so far? If so, tell me in the comments! Will add some more soon! -ambre xx Sorry it's been awhile, I didn't think anyone was reading it so I didn't bother to update, but here we go! x


I walked to the bed and sat down and put my head in my palms. They were sweaty. I shouldn't have let him known I watched him that long. I should've told him right away. Thoughts were running through my mind like wild animals that I couldn't stop. But how could I stop? He is so.., attractive. I heard the door from downstairs open and shut. Miya is back. Thank goodness. I heard her walking upstairs with the sound of bags in her arms.

She walked in the room and I lifted my head

. "What's wrong?" She asked

. "Oh um. Nothing. Nothing at all." I said while forcing a fake smile upon my face

. I knew she could tell something was wrong.

"Well, right when I pulled up to the house, I got a call from my cousin telling me that my aunt is in the hospital. I'm not sure why, but it sounded serious."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear." I said putting my hands on my thighs and pushing my self up to stand.

"Yeah well I don't think we will be able to make the movie. I'm really sorry."

"It's fine. I completely understand."

"Okay. Well I'm going to tell my brother about it."

"Okay. Do you want me to wait downstairs?"

"Yeah. Until I figure out what is going to happen the rest of the night." She then turned and walked out the door.

What if he tells her what happened? What will I do then? I tried to put the thoughts aside and headed downstairs. When I got downstairs I sat on the couch and waited. Moments later I head multiple steps coming down the stairs. I turned and saw Miya and her brother, Jc, standing to the side of the stairs.

"So..." Said Miya," I'm going to head to the hospital and Jc is going to stay here with you. I know you two don't know each other well but... Oh well. If you decide you want to leave, Jc said he will take you home. In the meantime you can watch movies on Netflix. Is that okay? I'm really sorry and ill try to be back soon."

"That sounds okay." I replied.

I wasn't sure if I liked the fact of being alone again with Jc. I didn't want to discuss this with her now since I knew she wanted to head to the hospital. Instead, I smiled.

"Great!" She said and grabbed her dads car keys and headed out the door.

Before she was about to shut the door she quickly said, "don't do anything stupid." Then glared at Jc

. After that was said she shut the door and was out. Great. She gone and I'm alone with Jc... I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv.

"You know..." Jc started, "You don't have to feel bad."

"About?" I said even though I could guess what he was talking about.

"Seeing me. Well, partly." He said.

"Oh right. Can we... Not talk about that?"

"Whatever you say." Jc said and plopped on the couch next to me. His arm was touching mine.

"You know what?" Jc said

. "What?"

"Watching tv is boring."

"Well, what do you want to do?" I said.

"Um. Have you ever tried challenges?"

"Like, the cinnamon challenge?" I said chuckling a little.

"Yeah." He said and smiled.

"No, I've just watched people. I've always thought they were dumb and weird."

"Well, we should do some."

I didn't want to say no and if he wasn't going to watch tv with me, I figured I might as well do something to be around him. I then replied, "okay, but only a few."

A big smile appeared on his face and he stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me up.

"Follow me." He said.

I followed him up the stairs and into his room. When I walked in I saw a whole bunch of AriZona cans to the side and a computer on a desk with a camera beside it.

"I'm guessing, you're a fan of Arizona?" I said looking from the cans to his face.

He blushed a little and nodded his head. "Sorry about the mess." He said. " it's also a talent."

"What is?" I said a little confused.

"Drinking Arizona tea. I can drink it the fastest." He said sounding proud.

"Oh I see. Well I have something to tell you, Jc."

"And what is that?" Said Jc with a flirty smile on his face.

"I happen to be an AriZona tea drinker, too... And I bet, if we had a competition, I'd win." I said with a slight smile waiting for him to take the bet.

His eyes grew big and he said." Well, don't be too sure. There is only one way to know... Ill go get two cans." He then rushed downstairs to the kitchen and I laughed a little. He then appeared with two teas in his hands.


"Heck yeah." I said grabbing the can from him.

"Okay, sit down. I'm going to record it so nobody cheats. If that's possible. I don't know." He laughed. We both sat criss crossed in front of each other on the floor. We opened the cans.

"Ready? Go!" I brought the can to my mouth and started drinking.

I felt weird. Just drinking. At the same time we brought our cans down to get some air, at the same time we started laughing. Then started drinking again. All of a sudden he lifted his can far up and his drink started pouring down his check and down his neck onto his shirt. We both brought our drinks down and started laughing again.

"I'm done!" He said.

"What?! That's not fair. Half of your drink went down your shirt." I said laughing.

"Still counts." He said with a wink.

We started laughing again. Once we stopped we sat there looking at each other. I loved his eyes. They were a deep brown. I couldn't help but smile. Then he smiled after me. He started leaning to me. I didn't know what to do. Should I just sit here? His lips were about to meet mine. I didn't make a move and all of a sudden his soft lips pressed against mine. My eyes were shut and my mind went blank. Our lips pressed harder together. He moved his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I put my hand on his chest and pushed a little. We both stopped with our noses inches apart. I could continue. But I couldn't. I put my head down so my forehead met his nose and then pulled up my head so our eyes met.

"I'm sorry." I said pushing my self up to stand.

I didn't wait for a reply. I just looked back at him and then walked out the door. I'm an idoit

. • I'm not to sure were I got the tea idea but if you have seen his video where he drinks it.. It's kinda based on that. Lol. Once again I didn't completely go over it so if there are any mistakes, sorry! More soon? Maybe? Comment!& vote!:) -ambre xx :) __



She followed me up the stairs and into my room after i convinced her that watching TV is boring. I really don't mind it, but i just wanted to do something else with her. Something that didn't involve staring at a screen.

I opened the door going into my room and she followed in behind me. I completely forgot about the mess.

Ari said, " I'm guessing you're a fan of AriZona?" with a smile looking from the AriZona cans on the floor to my face.

I felt kind of embarrassed and nodded my head. "Sorry about the mess." I said back to her,"Its also a talent."

What? Why did I say that? It just came out. I needed something to say.

"What is?" She said sounding a little confused.

Dang she heard me.

Then i replied,"Drinking AriZona tea. I can drink it the fastest."

Theres no going back now. I know I sound like an idoit and i'm sure she is just going to laugh, but she didn't. Instead she said, "Oh I see. Well I have something to tell you, Jc."

"And what is that?" I said sounding a little flirty. oh well.

"I happen to be an AriZona tea drinker, too...And I bet, if we had a competition, I'd win." She said with a cute smile. I love her smile.

"Well, don't be too sure. There is only one way to know... I'll go get two cans." I rushed out the door and down to the kitchen to grab the teas.

I came back to the room with two teas in my hands.

"Ready?" I said.

"heck yeah."

She replied grabbing one of the cans. I told her to sit down and that I was going to record it so nobody cheats. If that possible

. We sat with our knees almost touching in a criss crossed fashion. I reach for the camera and turned it on.

"Ready? Go!"

We opened our drinks and began drinking. With stops in between to get some air and a little bit of laughter. She had a cute laugh. Not meaning to, I lifted to can far up and it spilled down to my shirt. We pulled our drinks down and started laughing.

"I'm done!" I said with a laugh.

"What? That's not fair! Half of it went down your shirt!" She said laughing.

"Still counts." I replied with a wink.

The laughing started again. Then it stopped and we sat in silence for a little. I really liked her, but i'm her friend's brother and thats probably all she sees me as. Even if i wanted to be with her, it would be weird. She was starring at my eyes. Her eyes were an emerald green. beautiful. She is beautiful. I leaned in forward to kiss her, slowly to see if she was going to react, but she didn't so I met my lips with hers. They were soft and I couldn't help but press harder and use my hands to pull her in closer to me. She put her palm to my chest and pushed back a little. Stopping with our noses touching then she brought her forehead down. I knew I shouldn't have done that. She pushed herself up and said, "I'm sorry." then didn't turn back and walked out of the room. After she shut the door I put head in my palms. I looked up and reach for the camera to stop it. After i stopped it i played it and fast forwarded to the part where our kiss was recorded. Then paused it. A feeling of regret was inside me. I turned off the camera and tossed it on the bed. I put my head back into my palms. I just met her and I like her, but I took it to far. I'm an idiot

Ari's POV

After leaving his room and shutting the door behind me, I felt sick. I don't know why. I went downstairs and sat on the couch. The only ride I had to go anywhere is Jc. Great. I patted around my pockets trying to find my phone. Found it. I pulled it out of my pocket and unlocked the screen. I heard a door from upstairs open slowly. I didn't bother looking up. I stared at my phone like it was a foreign object. I didn't know what to do or push. All that was on my mind was what Jc was going to say if he did come downstairs. I finally remembered what I was going to do. I opened up my contacts and looked through trying to find somebody that could come get me. I stopped scrolling when I saw the contact "Jc". Miya must have put his number in my phone. Miya. What if she found out what happened?

I continued to scroll and stopped at my other friends name, Elisia. I sent a text to her asking if she could pick me up. Within a few minutes (which seemed like hours) I got a reply saying she could come get me in 30 minutes, after finishing her Ice skating practice.

What am I going to do for 30 minutes? I put my phone back in my pocket and stood up from the couch and walked over to the window. I pulled back the white curtain with my hand and I saw a row of houses that all looked the same. I've always wondered why houses where like that. Somebody was very creative-not really.

I brought my hand down and let the curtain cover the window again. I turned around and saw Jc and the top of the staircase. My throat became dry.


I couldn't speak.

Why would a kiss bother me this much? Maybe I'm childish, but the kiss wasn't the only thing that happened today, I almost saw him naked.

"H-hi." I finally replied.

A slight smile appeared on his face like he was relieved. He started walking down the stairs.

"Are you hungry?"

Was I? I don't know. Yes? Yes.


"Okay. Why don't we go get something to eat. I'll buy."

"Oh. Um. Okay." I didn't know what to say.

Dinner with Jc. I think I was happy. No, I was happy. Relieved. He grabbed his car keys. By this point I totally forgot about seeing him almost naked, the kiss, and Elisia. He opened the door and I followed him out. Dinner with Jc

-Jc's POV-

I pushed the thought about kissing her aside and stood up. I knew eventually I would have to go downstairs, but what I didn't know was what I was going to say. What if I scared her or something? I walked over to my desk and sat down in front of my computer. I wiggled the mouse and the screen went from black to my wallpaper. I heard a growling noise. I was hungry. She is probably hungry too. But I can't cook anything good. Like, "hey ari are you hungry? I can make Amazing mac n cheese!" Maybe I can take her out for dinner. Not a date. Just dinner. Unless she wants it to be a date. I stood up from my desk and walked over to the door, opening it a little. Slowly. Slowly. When the door was fulling open, I stood at the edge of the door. Should I just ask if she's Hungry? Come on Jc, it's not that complicated. After a few minutes I walked out of my room to where the staircase is. She was standing by the window. She's perfect. Then she turned around. Her expression was kind of blank. My stomach went into a knot. I finally forced out a "hey" but after it was said it didn't sound forced. That's a good thing. Ari didn't respond right away and that kind of got me worried.

She probably doesn't want to talk to me. Then finally...

"H-hi." She said.

An uncontrolled smile came. I was relieved and I think it was obvious.

"Are you hungry?" I said.

"Yeah." She replied.

"Okay. Why don't we go get something to eat? I'll buy."

It was the least I could do. I really like her.

"Oh. Um. Okay."

I grabbed my car keys and opened the door with her following me out. It's a date. No, dinner. Just dinner. I was happy. Dinner with Ari. --

Let it be - Jc Caylen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now