(Chap.3) U don't know me..Yet

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Hey guys! yes, another update! I know i just updated but thats a good thing, right?? Haha well sorry for any spelling mistakes in advance. Enjoy Clouds! (If you're one;) oh btw if I say Ari or Arianna, i'm talking about the same person.


Song of the chapter: encore by jason derulo (i was listening to it at the moment!:)

~Arianna's POV~

I awoke the next morning on Jc's bed alone. I slowly pushed myself up and looked around, like I didn't know where I was, but I did. I got up from his bed and went downstairs. On my way down I smelled bacon. Jc was atempting to cook. He is too cute.

"Hey! Goodmorning. I hope you're hungry, but not to hungry because there isn't alot of good food. Well actually most of it is probably crappy, but hey I tried. I'm not exactly a cook...but, Do you like bacon and eggs?" He said while cooking the bacon.

"Yeah I do and thats alright, im still greatful." I said with a little laugh and smile.

"Here you go." He brought a plate of bacon and eggs to me as I took a seat. He also had his plate and he took a seat at the table. We began to eat and since it wasn't a big meal, we were done in no time.

"I know it is not a big meal, but it is late and I figured we could go get lunch in awhile. Also Miya said she was going to Atlanta to help our cousin with our aunt for a little while. Not exactly sure how long."

I looked at the stove clock and saw it read '11:24' "Oh okay. sound great! and Okay, I hope your aunt is okay." I said looking back at him He smiled back.

"So I thought we could do something fun today, like go to the fair."

"Oh okay, i'm up for it!"

"Awesome. Well i'll take you home so you can shower and stuff then I'll pick you up."

I nodded my head and a little later we were already headed out the door to his car so he could take me home.I told him my adress and he drove me. Once we arrived, I got out of the car and we both waved goodbye. I got into my house, which I shared with my friend Andrea or else I would be living alone, and quickly headed upstairs to shower and get changed.

After my shower I headed downstairs and saw that Andrea was here.

"Hey! Feels like its been forever since I've seen you. I know its been like two days but whatever." She said to me. She has such and amazing personality and she is always cheerful. We started talking and I told her about Jc and she said by the sound of it, he sounded like a nice guy, which he was. She was all excited about the thought of me meeting somebody I liked, even though me and Jc weren't exactly dating. I soon got a text from Jc saying he is on his way.

"Well, i'm going to go out for a little bit, to the fair. If you need me just text or call." I told Andrea. She said okay and just as I slipped on my vans I heard a car pull up. I went outside and walked to his car and got inside.

"You look great." He said to me.

I blushed and thanked him. We headed off to the fair and once we got there we walked in the area together and got tickets. There were so many things and we almost tried all of the games. Before I knew it it was already 8 and we decided to head back to his house. I got a text from Andrea saying she was going out with some friends she met and I responded 'okay :)'

Soon we were back at his house and we got off the car and went inside.

"I want to show you something." he said directing me upstairs. I followed him up into his bedroom and asked him what it was. He walked over to his window and opened it and crawled out of it with a small blanket in his hand.

"What are you doing." I asked him while walking to the window.

"Come." He held out his hand and I stepped out onto the roof of the house, most of it was flat.

He put out the blanket and sat on it and patted the spot next to him. I sat next to him. It was starting to get dark and soon the clouds in the sky were fading and the stars were becoming noticeable.

"So Miss Arianna, tell me about you."

"What would you like to know Jc?" I said grabbing his hand.

"Your story... and possibly why you moved here. I mean not that its a bad thing, but why here?"

I had a reason, almost a story. A story I really havn't told anyone... because i'm ashamed. I felt like there was a hole in my chest. There might as well be. I normally don't tell people, well I havn't told anyone, but there is something about Jc that is promising. Like he will understand. So here we go, you get to know me a little better because sad to say, i'm a little broken.

(Telling Jc)

I was born in Nebraska and as a child growing up I was always told that I was a mistake, and really I guess I was because my parents didn't want me and didn't plan on having me. Well no, my mom wanted me, but just her. At the age of seven i started doing self harm because not only was my dad telling me I was useless and a mistake, my older brother and sister were too. The only person that ever loved me was my mom and she was truly amazing. She was my world. At the age of nine I was told my moms heart was giving up and wasn't capable of working for her body size,even though she wasn't very big. The doctors said she wasn't going to live much longer, but I knew this wasn't true because I knew she was strong. A year later at a doctors check up I was told my heart was becoming weak, at the time I didn't understand and so I kept it off my mind- I was still young. When my dad found out he said he knew this would happen and that it was happening to me because i was a mistake and needed to die. A few weeks later I was at school on the playground playing and all of a sudden my heart gave out, luckily a teacher saw me go out and called the ambulance. I was rushed to the hospital and not long after I arrived and got in a room there was only one person at my side, my mom. A doctor later came in a said I needed a heart donor soon or else.. I would meet my end. After being told this I cried for hours and so did my mom. Later that night my mom started talking to the doctor about some stuff and later came back into my room. I tried to push the thought of dying aside and my mom came to my side and looked into my eyes and said, "You will get better soon, I promise." Tears started streaming down my face, she continued, "I know your father tells you a lot of things, but you should always know that you are not a mistake and even if you were, you're the best mistake I've ever made because no matter what, I would never change you being born. I know I don't say it often, but I love you with all my heart."
I continued to cry. I knew that if I didn't get a donor soon, I would die. Later that night I feel asleep in my moms arms on the hospital bed. Without me knowing, she got up and talked to the doctor one last time and after she was done she came back into my room and laid next to me. The next morning I awoke to my mom sitting in a chair with some breakfast and the doctor at the foot of the bed. The doctor later told me I had a donor and I was so happy I began to cry. He also said the heart surgery would happen later that day so I could be off soon after recovery and of course, the heart surgery happened that night but before it began my mom told me she loved me and she hoped everything went well. I was glad to know I had a donor and would soon wake up next to my mom and not have to worry about my heart problem. The surgery then happened and instead of waking up next to my mom, there was a green note on the side table. I later found out that that I wasn't going to see my mom again, because her heart was strong and big enough to support my body...and was the heart I was given. She didn't tell me before because she knew I wouldn't go through with it. After that, my father wanted nothing to do with me and my brother and sister would ask why I was so selfish and took our mom's life just for mine. I never bothered explaining because I knew that they wouldn't listen. For years, my father would say, "Great the mistake made a mistake. Get ride of it before it makes more." ... SOOO as soon as I could move out, I did and came to Texas because this is were my mom grew up as a child. I felt I could get closer to her this way. Sounds dumb, I know, but that's my story.

After telling it all, I realized tears were running down my face. I looked at Jc and without having to say it, I knew he felt bad.

"I'm sorry." He said.

Then he gave me a hug. It was my past so I put it aside and thought about my future. I really liked Jc and wanted him in it. He is almost like the person that fills in the spot were my mom left open. I cared about him. Its crazy.


Okay so its getting late so thats is that chapter, I hope you enjoyed it and im sorry if it made you sad, because I read the story to my sister and she cried. Besides that though, did you like it? tell me in the comments please! :) also sorry if there are any mistakes! more soon loves!

-A :)x


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