(Chap.9) Breathe

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Within a few hours we were at the airport and getting our tickets. Everyone around us seemed like they were in a hurry to get somewhere.  The sound of wheels running on the floor and people walking were surrounding us and every now and again a dog would bark. Jc and I seemed like the only calm ones. For awhile I stood behind Jc observing everyone. When he was done getting our plane tickets he tapped my shoulder.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." I said back at him, bringing my eyes from the people to meet his. He gave a quick smile and grabbed my hand. We went through security with no problems and made our way to our plane. We got there just in time and took our seats. Within minutes after the flight attendant explained everything, we were headed off. 

I had a window seat so i could see everything below, which I thought was cool. I’ve only been on a plane twice and I’ve always enjoyed it. Probably because I love traveling, and so does Jc. I then turned to my left and saw Jc with his eyes closed and headphones in his ear. I grabbed my iPod from my carry on and put my headphones in. Music was playing loud in my ears and an amazing view was in front of my eyes. I couldn't believe how excited I was to leave to California.

I closed my eyes and focused on the lyrics to the song playing. Then slowly drifted off to sleep.


I felt a hand shaking my arm and I awoke to Jc pointing out the window with the words ,"Look, we are here." escaping his lips. I smiled at the view of palm trees and people. The plane finally landed  and a ding sound rang in our ears and the captains voice following saying, "Welcome to California."

 I followed Jc off the plane and to a counter at the airport.

"Are you hungry?" Jc asked.

"A little."

He handed me money and said, "Take this, there is a restaurant right at the end of the airport. I'll meet you there in a little bit. I'm going to go get a car rental."

I nodded and took the money he handed to me. When I got there I took a seat at a table for two and decided to wait to get food so I could eat with Jc. I took my phone out of my pocket and pressed the lock button. Six new messages from Elisia, my room mate. I decided to send her a text.

To: E

-Hey! sorry I didn't get to reply. This is going to sound crazy but I’m in Cali. Don't freak out, I'm fine and I’ll tell you everything later.


I heard the sound of car keys dangling and looked up with see Jc walking toward me. "You didn't get food?"

"uh, no. I figured I should wait for you." I said while shoving my phone in my back pocket.

"Oh. Well lets get some. I'm starving."

We got our food and ate it. No conversation went on and within 30 minutes we were heading out the airport.

"Where's the car?" I ask. Jc pointed and I looked in that direction."The black Camero?"

"Yeah." Jc nodded and continued to walk toward the car. He got there before me and opened the door.

"Thanks." I got in and looked around, amazed. Jc then got in,"This is nice." I said feeling the leather seat.

"Yeah, I got a good deal." He said while he started up the car.

We spent about an hour in the car and arrived at cabin outside the city.

"Where are we at?"

"Somewhere only we know." Jc said with a cute smile.

"Eh, I'm not sure if that sounds to pleasing." I joked.

"It'll be fine. Its my grandparents old 'get away' cabin. They brought it years ago and after about a year or two of owning it, they kind of abandoned it. My grandmother gave Miya and I the keys after my grandpa died because she knew she wasn't going to come here again. Also she knows how much I’ve always wanted to move to California. I guess it was kind of a way of her leaving the option open for me moving here or visiting."

"I see."

"Yeah. Follow me."

I took his hand and followed him up the wooden stairs and into the cabin. From the outside it looked old and creepy, but the inside was completely the opposite. It felt welcoming.

"Wow." I said gazing around. "Never would've guessed it looked like this inside."

"Yeah. I think they did that on purpose-made the outside look horrible and creepy- so that nobody would go in, or at least it would lower the chances. Since this place was kinda abandoned."

I nodded, stilling look at everything. The wood was carved  in some areas of the house and had a brown polished tint. I moved my eyes to the huge window covered with curtains and walked toward it. I pushed the white curtains back. The curtains were way longer than the window and touched the floor so when I pushed them back dust flew from the floor as the curtains scrapped the wood floor. I looked out the window. It was beginning to get dark outside. "Already?"  I thought to myself.

"I'm going to go into the city. If you want you can stay here and settle in. The room is up the stairs and so is the bathroom. I shouldn't be long"

'Oh okay. Yeah, I’ll just stay. I kinda feel like a need a bath, its been a long day."

Jc nodded,"Okay. Well you have my number so-"


He shook his head and headed out the door. Once I heard to car drive off I headed up the stairs and into the bedroom. The room had a huge king bed in the center with red drapes over the wide window. Beside the bed was a glass shelf of little statues. I took a long look at every little one. I saw a door with a gold doorknob and opened it. The bathroom. It was the only thing in the house that looked 'old fashioned' .with a big tub and small sink and a whole lot extra room.

I turned on the water and ran my fingers through it until it became warm enough. Once it did I undressed and slowly got in. The tub was bigger than me and left room at my sides. The tub filled with water and once it was full I pulled myself under the water and let my body sink in. I was about to pull my head up for a breath and came up to late and water poured in my mouth causing weight on me as I chocked back on the water. A hand grabbed my shoulder and I opened my eyes under the water and saw Kian's faced blurred by the water in front of my eyes.


Sorry for any mistakes. I hope you enjoyed and i'll be updating soon-hopefully!-

comment your thoughts on what you think will happen next(: or tweet me @ambrekash

-Ambre :)x

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