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A/N: Please read Book 1 HABANG BUHAY first. This is Book 2 and takes place a few months after that fic's end, thank you!


"C'mon, bed now," Michelle leads her girlfriend by the hand towards the stairs.

"No, I wanna watch more," Anntonia tries to pull Michelle back towards the den where they just spent a good part of their Saturday binging this TV show that Anntonia insisted on watching together.

"You're drunk," she tells her as she stands her ground and doesn't allow herself to be pulled back, though she didn't really need to resist much since drunk Anntonia was as weak as she was clumsy.

"I'm not!" Anntonia protests.

"That's exactly what a drunk person says when they're drunk," she shakes her head as she again gains the upper hand and gets Anntonia to the bottom of the stairs.

"But I'm not!" Anntonia continues to protest.

"You and wine... really not a good combination," she tells her. 

"But we haven't even finished the series," Anntonia has now started pouting which even in her drunken state knew held power and influence over Michelle.

"The show has 5 seasons, baby, we were only on the 2nd one, there's no way we could have finished it tonight."

"Who says," Anntonia's pout turns into a frown when she realizes that her pouting wasn't doing the effect over Michelle that she wants it to.

"I do," she says as she pushes Anntonia up the first step. "You want me to carry you?"

"I can do it," Anntonia stubbornly huffs like a 4-year-old not being given chocolate for dessert. 

"Such a big baby. C'mon, up you go."

It was a struggle but they did manage to get to the 2nd level with only one incident of Michelle catching her from falling back. Anntonia continues her wobbly steps into the door by the top of the stairs, hands already on the handle.

"That's not our bedroom, that's Rhian's."

"I knew that," Anntonia stubbornly says as she walks away from Rhian's door and into the next.

"Not that either," she stops herself from smiling. Anntonia will likely get annoyed and angry if she sees Michelle smiling and a drunk angry Anntonia will likely be something else that Michelle doesn't want to ever discover.

"Why are there so many doors here?!" Anntona whines and stomps her foot.

"Just one more door left, you can't get it wrong this time," she gently pushes Anntonia towards the end of the hall.

"See, I knew where our bedroom is," Anntonia says proudly as she turns the door open and goes in, heading straight for the bed.

Cute talaga nito.

"Don't lie down yet," she warns as she heads for the bathroom. She pours a small amount of mouthwash into a glass on the counter and brings it back to Anntonia who has taken her advise and remained seated though eyes already half closed. "Here, gargle and spit."

"Ugh, minty," Anntonia says as she does what Michelle told her to do so.

"Better than going to bed with wine breath," she tells her as she motions for her to lie down. Anntonia flops back on the bed on top of the sheets and Michelle sighs knowing she'll have to rearrange her later on. She goes back to the bathroom to return the glass and to quickly brush her teeth.

Thankfully, when she comes back, Anntonia has managed to move to her side of the bed, head already on the pillow with eyes closed. She pulls on the flat sheet from under and places it over her and drags the comforter from the foot of the bed to put it over her too.

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