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Three weeks after starting the whole break-up fiasco, Pam reaches out to Michelle and tells her it was time for them to meet and start doing their thing. 

On the day of their first meeting, Michelle is awakened by the sound of someone moving around the room. She finds Anntonia all dressed up, placing an earring in the semi-darkness of their bedroom. 

"Hi?" she greets as she looks at the clock and finds that it was just a little before 6. "It's early, baby. Are you going somewhere?" 

"I'm going to the office," Anntonia tells her as she proceeds to place the other earring in her other earlobe. 

"Office?" she asks curiously, propping up on her elbows to watch Anntonia go back and forth as she got ready. Anntonia rarely goes to the office, Michelle's even forgotten that Anntonia even had a physical office since she's always said that she can do everything at home. 

"Yeah, there's a client coming in that I need to speak with," Anntonia explains.

"Okay," she accepts Anntonia's reason, not really finding anything odd about it now.

Anntonia finishes whatever she was doing and stands beside the bed to look down at Michelle. With the current lighting situation of the room and from her position, she couldn't see Anntonia's face too clearly and couldn't decipher whatever it was running through her mind when she says, "Have fun on your..." 

"I won't," she tells her, reminds her as she grabs one of her hands. "Have Kuya Francis take you."

"No, it's okay, I'll get a Grab, more discreet that way than to have Kuya Francis drive me in your car," Anntonia tells her, giving her hand a small squeeze.

"Okay," she gives in, just because it did make sense. Even Anntonia's car has been sent back to her condo's parking space since some fan actually found out that the Audi was Anntonia's car and not Michelle's. They placed it back just as a precaution that some nosy fan decides to play detective. "Send me your Grab ride details, okay? So I know when you get to the office."

Anntonia nods and bends down to place a chaste kiss on Michelle's lips before slipping her hand out of Michelle's and quietly leaves their bedroom.

She never sends Michelle her Grab ride details.


Michelle's never late, hates being late. But today was an exception, she doesn't care if she's late so she took her time in getting ready and asked Kuya Francis to take the longer route. Pam makes it to the archery place before her and has already started when she arrives. Pam greets her with a wave and an enthusiastic greeting that was loud enough for the few people around to turn to see what the fuss was about. Of course that was part of Pam's plan for sure. 

Michelle forces a smile, having no other choice, as Pam walks closer. She wants to push the woman away, but what happens is the opposite as Pam reaches over to hug her and Michelle's forced to hug her back. She makes sure she's the one to end the hug though, not wanting any second more in Pam's arms. 

"Hi," she greets lamely with her fake smile still plastered on her face. She's glad she wore a baseball cap and shades, at least no one will see the entirety of her facial expression at being in front of the woman who just turned her life upside down- not in a good way. 

"Already started without you, the Kuyas already taught me, I can teach you if you want," Pam offers with a smile.

No way, Jose. 

"I think I'll just have a Kuya teach me too," she says through her forced smile. 

The instructors teach her for at least a quarter of an hour before she's finally left on her own, and of course, Pam appears beside her as soon as she's alone. "Are you imagining the target as me, DeeDee?"

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