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Thursday was a busy day for Michelle, early morning guesting and then shooting for the TV show she's been a recurring guest on. Her conversation with Mike last Sunday still lingers at the back of her mind and she's been willing herself to hold on to the hope that the lawyers can get her out of the situation just to get by.

She set an alarm for 5AM last night which was the time her glam team's arriving to set up to give her enough time to take a shower. Her eyes open after the first soft sounds of her alarm which has been set to an increasing volume mode since Anntonia hated her previous blaring alarm from before. She reaches over towards her bedside table to turn off the alarm but is hindered by Anntonia's hold.

"No, don't go," Anntonia mumbles as she tightens her arms around Michelle.

Michelle looks at her back and sees Anntonia smushed against it. "My glam team's arriving, I need to shower to get my hair and make-up done."

"Please, few more minutes?" Anntonia begs. "Few more hours?"

Michelle's used to Anntonia being clingy but she's never really begged this way before. "You're extra clingy this morning, you're not coming down with anything, right?"

"No," Anntonia shakes her head. "Just please stay."

"I need to take a shower, I'll come right back, okay?" she taps Anntonia's forearm that was around her torso.

Anntonia sniffs the back of her shirt. "You smell good, no need for one."

"Ann, baby," she taps her again. "Just 10 minutes, promise." 

"No," Anntonia says stubbornly.

"Unless you want to come shower with me at 5AM?"

"No," Anntonia whines. 

"I guessed so," she tells her. "Just 10 minutes, okay?" 

Anntonia's grip slackens and she's able to remove her arms from her torso. She turns off the alarm which was already blaring now and gets out of the bed. She turns to look at Anntonia to give her her morning kiss but her girlfriend's already under the comforter, likely annoyed at not getting what she wants. If only Michelle can put aside her work, she'll definitely just stay under the comforter with Anntonia right this very second. She feels guilty having to place Anntonia second to her work on days like these, most especially now with what could possibly happen in the next coming days.

She does her best to shower in less than 5 minutes and emerges from the bathroom with a robe on. She passes by the bed where Anntonia was still under the comforter as she goes out of the room to her make-up room where her team is already setting up.

"Hi, guys, weird request pero can you fix me up while I'm on the couch?" she asks.

"Hmm, kaya naman, move nalang namin yung couch sa gitna konti," Jay, her hairstylist, nods.  

"Thank you, thank you," she tells them as she watches them start to move the couch already. "I'll be right back."

She goes back to their bedroom and lifts the comforter to peek at Anntonia.

"Hello, my little otter Ann," she says softly and waits for Anntonia to open her eyes. 

"You said only 10 minutes," Anntonia grumbles at her from under the comforter.

"That was even less than," she tells her though she really didn't take note of the time. "C'mon, come with me to the other room, and bring the comforter."

Anntonia doesn't complain, obviously wanting to just be near Michelle, as she goes up on her knees on the bed, comforter wrapped around her shoulders and over her head, and starts moving towards Michelle.

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