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"What did I tell you!" Anntonia's voice came from nowhere surprising Michelle and making her throw her phone up in surprise. She was already in their bedroom, having been asked to go up to rest while the others cleaned up downstairs after their festivities.

"I was just-" she starts to defend herself but Anntonia's raised eyebrow forces her to just swallow her about to be pitiful excuse. There really was no point in trying to get herself out of the situation that she was caught red-handed in.

"I told you, you need to rest," Anntonia says as she takes Michelle's phone which has bounced over to the side of the bed.

"So bossy talaga," she huffs, as she slowly attempts to hide her hand away from Anntonia's sight.

"The ring too," she holds her other palm out making Michelle groan.

"I'm telling your dad how mean you are," she tells her as she moves to get the ring from her finger and into Anntonia's palm.

"I can do no wrong in his eyes," Anntonia says confidently but then after a split second, winces . "Well, except for that one time I ran away with a boy."

She makes a sour face at the reminder of Anntonia with her ex. "Ugh."

"Did you brush your teeth?" Anntonia asks as she walks to her side of the bed, Michelle all the while eyeing her phone and iRing which were in Anntonia's hands. Anntonia places both items on the bedside table before she proceeds to take off her necklace.

"Yes, ma'am," she nods and gives a little salute, eyes still on her phone and iRing.

"I'm going to go take a quick shower," Anntonia tells her.

She simply nods as she starts formulating a plan inside her head. Anntonia's going to be gone for more than a few minutes, she can just get her phone and the iRing and put it back before she even comes out from her shower. She'd never know anything was amiss.

She counts to 5 after the bathroom door closes and she proceeds to reach over across to Anntonia's side of the bed, her arms stretched out, almost reaching its intended target when...

The door of the bathroom swings open and Anntonia, hands on her waists, says, "Don't think I don't know what you're planning to do!"

"What!" she freezes midway and plops herself face down in defeat. She was so close.

"Get back to your side and rest. Now."

"Sumbong kita sa mama ko eh," she mutters under her breath as she lifts herself up to go back to her side of the bed.

"I heard that!"

"As if you know what it means," she grumbles as she settles back down against her pillows grumpily.

"Heard that too!"

"Ayyy," she just settles on sticking her tongue out at her girlfriend, but not before she's sure she's had her back turned to her already. Anntonia closes the door once again, but she doesn't attempt on carrying her plan anymore. Being caught red-handed twice was enough.

With the lack of anything to do, she thinks she falls asleep because the next thing she knows, Anntonia's already in bed beside her and feeling her forehead. "You're still a little warm. You want me to give you a sponge bath?"

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