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Michelle's eyes were on the road but her mind was somewhere else. It was Friday afternoon and she's driving Anntonia's car on their way to Batangas for a quick weekend getaway. Her mind goes back to the conversation with her mother yesterday which prompted her to book this spontaneous out of town trip. 

"Iha, I know you love Anntonia but you're still young, she might not be the one for you in the end."

"Ma, stop."

"I'm just stating facts, Michelle," her mother tells her. "Anyways, I don't think this is something anyone else can help you with, you should tell her, and you two decide on it together."

"I don't want to hurt her."

"It'll hurt her more if you don't tell her about it soon, this isn't something you can keep from her. You're both involved."

"I know," she sighs and lets out a frustrated growl. "Ma, why is this so hard?"

"It's the life you chose to get into, Michelle, you were the one who decided to get into this business," her mother reminds her. "No one forced you, but then again, iha, you can also be the one to choose to walk away from it. Just like I did."

"Are you happy? You're happy, right?" she asks as if she didn't see how happy her mother was after leaving show business behind and moving to the US to be with her stepdad. 

"Yes, it all worked out for me, as you know," her mother still answers and indulges her almost rhetorical question. "But it's not the same for everyone. Might not be the same for you if you follow my footsteps and walk away."

Her mind returns to the present as she glances at the woman in the passenger seat. After having slept most of Thursday away, Anntonia stayed awake for most of Friday working and was now catching up on sleep.

If I walk away from all this, will you runaway with me?

And as her eyes turn back to the road, her mind reminds her of the more important question.

And if I decide not to, will you still stay with me?


Michelle booked the Mahogany Pool Villa at The Farm at San Benito for them and they spent the night of their arrival with a private dinner on the villa's balcony. Saturday morning they spent in the spa for a couple's massage, and then attended a yoga class hosted by the wellness center. 

It was already late Saturday afternoon and they just finished having a swim on the private pool and were now just lounging on the big relaxation bale. Anntonia's wearing an oversized shirt over her two-piece swimsuit while she's wearing an undone white button done polo over hers.

They're laying side by side with Anntonia reading a book she's brought with her, and her just aimlessly scrolling on her phone. She hasn't decided when to tell Anntonia, or more specifically, she hasn't gotten the courage to do so. They still had a day left though so Michelle thinks there's still time to gather more courage or worse, lessen it. 

She's in the middle of watching a Tiktok video when she senses Anntonia's eyes on her. She glances away from her phone and sees that Anntonia has set aside her book and was already sitting up, hugging her bared legs, with eyes focused on her. She didn't even notice that Anntonia's shifted from laying down beside her while she was deep in her thoughts.

As their eyes meet, Anntonia speaks, "Why'd you bring me here, Michelle?"

"Can't I just bring my girlfriend to a spontaneous romantic weekend getaway?"

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