A brewing storm

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On planet Earth , meanwhile , Professor Aria made various rooms at the academy available to amateur musicians . Violet , who was familiar with the world of music , took charge of organizing their band's rehearsals . When Nicky and Paulina entered the room she had reserved , they found their friend waiting for them with a copy of the score for each of them . The piece Violet had composed was very beautiful , and Nicky and Paulina enthusiastically began to perform it .

Violet : Careful , Nicky ! Here , the chord changes ! *to Paulina* One second ! That's not very convincing ! I suggest replacing the strings with winds ! By the way , is Coco coming or not ?

Just then , Colette entered hurriedly .

Colette : Sorry for the late , girls ! I've had a bit of a setback because of-

Violet : Ah , there you are ! Let's get to work , we've already started ! Cheer up !

Violet kept moving nervously between her friends , telling them what to do and correcting their mistakes . However , despite the efforts of Nicky , Paulina and Colette , the result left much to be awful . Their interpretations always seemed dissonant and out of tempo . In fact , the cause was simple : for fear of making a mistake , each mouselet concentrated so much on her part that she forgot to listen to the others , ruining the harmony of the whole . It was a disaster .

Violet : Stop , girls ! This is not at all the music I composed for our band !

Nicky : We do what we can , Vi !

Colette : That's right ! Give us time to learn !

Paulina : This is the first time we've played this score . We're putting our hearts into it , which is more important than an impeccable performance .

Violet : But...but...I'm doing it for the band ! Don't you understand !?

Nicky : We're not as good as you are , so remember that this piece requires double the effort ! And we're tired of being covered all the time !

Violet : It's only to help you progress ! Music demands sacrifice , sweat and investment-

Colette : Yes , but also joy , passion and enthusiasm ! And me , to be honest , I'm not having any fun at all !

Violet : In that case , you're much better off without me !

With that , she turned up her nose and left the rehearsal studio without looking back . Her friends followed her with their eyes , doing nothing to stop her . Meanwhile , unaware of the difficulties the other Thea Sisters were going through , Pamela wandered around the academy with one idea in mind . The corridors were deserted , all the students immersed in rehearsals . All...or almost all . Suddenly , at the corner of a corridor , Dina appeared , slowing her panting run to greet her friend .

Dina : Hi , princess !

Pamela : Hi , Dina ! Why you're not preparing for the auditions too ?

Dina : Oh , don't tell me about it ! Craig , Tanya and I have formed a band , but we've got a lots of work to do in time ! And what about you , Princess Nicky , Violet , Paulina and Colette ?

Pamela : If it were a dance , I'd have no problem... in hip hop , I'm a champion ! But I don't have talent to play music !

As she spoke , leaning against the wall , Pamela began to drum absent-mindedly behind her back .

Pamela : Dina , I can't find an instrument that suits me !

She continued to hammer lightly on the wall with her fingers . Suddenly , Dina's face lights up .

Dina : Well , I'm telling you there's something out there for you , Princess Pamela ! Follow me !

She took her comrade by her paw and led her through the city streets to Zanzibazar , the store run by her sisters . She led Pamela through the store , which was overflowing with all kinds of objects : hat boxes , irons , a rocking chair , velvet upholstered armchairs , a gramophone , a pair of old skis .

Pamela : That's true that at Zanzibazar you can find almost anything !

Dina approached a mass covered with a large white tarpaulin .

Dina : Exactly ! And that's why we've come ! Take a look !

With a gesture , she lifted the canvas , revealing the most beautiful drum kit Pamela had ever seen . The drums and cases were adorned with tongues of fire snaking across an ember-red background . It wasn't the work of the first generation , but it looked perfect .

Pamela : Wow !

Dina : It used to be my father's passion ! When he finds out it's for a good cause , he'll be happy to lend it to you !

Pamela : Dina , you're amazing ! How could I not have thought of it myself ?

Pamela really loved percussion . As a child , she often improvised concerts by tapping pots with ladles . Once seated behind the drum kit , Pamela immediately felt at ease and gave an energetic little solo .

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