A big mess

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When Pamela returned to the academy , the sun was setting , shimmering a thousand red and gold reflections on the sea horizon . The young girl was eager to tell her friends about the incredible discovery she had made in Zanzibazar . The welcome she received , however , was not at all what she had expected .

Pamela : Hey , girls ! I've got some fantastic news for you !

But she immediately stopped , looking around in astonishment . Nicky was melancholically plucking the strings of her guitar , while Colette and Paulina , surrounded by crumpled balls of paper , were half-heartedly scribbling on their notepads , already covered with erasures .

Pamela : Hey , why these faces ? And where's Violet ?

Colette : Oh , Pam , thank goodness you're here ! According to Violet , we don't work well enough...she spent the day lecturing us . And suddenly everything became very complicated . We've talked it over to no avail...and now we don't know what to do .

The three unfortunate musicians then went into more detail about the difficulties they had encountered during the rehearsal and their arguments with Violet .

Paulina : Then we had the idea of writing a beautiful text for the singing part in the hope of getting Violet back...We've been racking our brains for hours , but it's impossible to write a line .

Pamela : What a mess !

Just then , Shen poked his nose at the door .

Shen : Can I come in ? How are the rehearsals of my favorite orchestra going ?

Even he knew something was wrong . He tried to cheer them up .

Shen : You're tired ! It's been a long day for everyone . A good night's sleep will put you back on your feet !

The Thea Sisters nodded in agreement and made their way to the door , yawning .

Nicky : *yawn* You're right , Shen . Rested and refreshed , we'll find a way to resolve this situation !

Shen watched them walk away , then his eyes fell on the papers the girls had thrown away . He read some of the sentences written on them and murmured with a smile .

Shen : I'm sure you'll find a solution...maybe I can even help !

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