The kiss

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At the theater , Princess Jolie , Princess Hyper , Princess Harmonia , Princess Glitter , Cardinal Norden and Cardinal Osten continue to fight the Daimon .

Harmonia : Melody Dream !

Osten : Tornado Cyclone !

The two friends plan their attack against the cobra Daimon . Apotre Mercury was still above the stage watching the fight . Then the young boy heard something coming behind him , he turned towards that direction . Princess Hyper , Princess Jolie and Cardinal Norden also seemed to have heard .

Hyper : What's that noise ?

As soon as she said that , the wall was broken down... by another Daimon , the one that Io summoned .

Mercury : It must be Io's .

Norden : Seriously , a second one ?!

Harmonia : So , Mercury can't be the only enemy around .

Harmonia was just saying , Io appears next to the mercurian .

Io : Hello !

Jolie : Io? !

Io : Yeah , yeah ! It's me again ! I have come for what you did to Europa ! Attack them , Daimon !

Mercury : Come on !

The two Daimons attacked the four Thea Sisters , Osten and Norden . All six decided by nodding their heads ; Jolie , Norden and Osten will take care of the Headless Rodentoid Daimon . While Glitter , Harmonia and Hyper will face that of the cobra Daimon . In the meantime , Dynamic was running through the corridors and finally arrived at the auditorium by bursting through the door . She first discovered her friends confronting a monster , but she had no idea that there were two instead of just one .

Dynamic : Fuck...There are two ?!

The mouselet raised her head , she saw Io and Apotre Mercury .

Dynamic : Mercury is here too ?!

When she saw that one of her friends , Osten , was in trouble , she ran to his rescue . She jumps and crushes the headless Daimon with a punch to protect her friend .

Osten : Dynamic !

Dynamic : Yo !

In the corner of her eyes , Dynamic sees something blue among the audience seats . It looks like a pair of legs . When she got closer to be sure , she realized that it was indeed the legs and discovered...

Dynamic : Professor Aria ?!

Harmonia : Miss Aria ?!

She checked if her Stone Scred had not been taken too , fortunately this was not the case and the young girl discovered the young woman had a head injury . Dynamic picks her up and carries her by the shoulders .

Dynamic : Osten , come with me !

Osten joined his friend and helped her carry Anna .

Dynamic : We'll get her to safety and treat her wound . Keep fighting until we return .

Harmonia : Okay !

Harmonia watched her friends leave with Anna . Consumed by anger , she turned to monsters .

Harmonia : Miss Aria had the chance to see her childhood friend Mark Mausington again...with whom they had separated because of their disagreements over their song...they had the hope of renewing their friendship...! You will pay it for using his stone !

Princess Harmonia screamed while showing all her power , a lilac purple aura floated around the girl and her body glowed , even her Amethyst glowed . It lasts a few seconds . She threw herself at the Daimon cobra and confronted him with more energy than she ever had before . The others were surprised . Especially when their friend was also fighting the second Daimon at the same time as the first . Meanwhile , Cardinal Osten and Princess Dynamic arrived at the infirmary to drop off Professor Aria so that a nurse could treat her . Dynamic was about to leave the infirmary but Osten stopped her .

Osten : So...How was it between you and Joel ?

Dynamic : What ?

Osten : I mean...did you ask him about the drums ? And did you tell him about the song he wrote ?

Dyanmic : Oh , yes . He is not the author of the lyrics...I would like that who really wrote it . Besides , the other Thea Sisters thought it was talking about me . And Joel thinks it's someone he likes me very much .

She took out the paper in question and handed it to Osten to show him . Without knowing that her friend is the real author of the song and who has a crush on her . Alas , the young mice is too shy to confess to her and does not feel capable of saying romantic words .

Osten : He's right . I also believe that this song is about you but that the author is too shy to confess his love to you face to face and that he prefers to stay in the shadows until he has enough courage to speak to you .

He handed the text to his comrade .

Osten : As soon as you and the other Thea Sisters are on stage , I'll be there to see you perform . In the meantime , you can count on me to spot the real author !

Then , Princess Dynamic gives him a kiss on the forehead . Osten's heart began to beat wildly .

Dynamic : You're awesome , Osten .

The girl returned to join the others , while Osten no longer moved because of the kiss . His face turned red . Before following her , the guardian of the east and the wind think about something .

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