Io's death

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While Osten was thinking , Princess Dynamic runs through the corridors and behind her , Liouli Spring , Skyla Tyr , Cardinal Suden , Star Cassiopeia , Star Andromeda , Star Cepheus and Star Berenices who were also going to the auditorium . For their part , Princess Harmonia still fights alone against the Daimons without the help of the three Thea Sisters and Norden . Apotre Mercury and Io were still above the stage . When Harmonia had lowered her guard , the headless Daimon appeared behind her and attempted to injure her with his sword .

Jolie : Harmonia ! Look out !

Harmonia : *gasp !*

Suddenly , help arrives .

Suden : Burning Inferno !

Cardinal Suden's fire repelled the monster . The second Daimon was his turn to try to attack , this time he attacked three Thea Sisters and Norden . After Suden , Star Berenices takes care of it .

Berenices : Star Arrow !

The star arrow hits the second Daimon straight in the head .

Hyper : Thanks , guys !

In the middle of the reinforcement , Princess Dynamic stood with her arms crossed . She joins the other Thea Sisters .

Dynamic : I'm back !

Finally the last to arrive was Osten .

Dynamic : Let's destroy these monsters , girls !

Harmonia/Jolie/Glitter/Hyper : Ok !

Norden , Osten and the others showed their weapons which were made by the god Hephaistos . The Thea Sisters' allies gathered around them .

All : O Divine Weapon , give our power to the Thea Sisters !

Their weapon lit up . The four boys and six girls gave the energies of their powers to the Thea Sisters , the five scepters of the Thea Sisters appear . The five friends took it , Princess Hyper , Princess Glitter , Princess Jolie , Princess Harmonia and Princess Dynamic combined their powers .

Thea Sisters : World Gorgeous Illumination !!

The attack of the princesses of Olumpos destroys the two Daimons , leaving the Stone Sacreds of Joel and Mark intact . Mark's stone fell on Harmonia's paw while Joel's stone fell on Dynamic's paw . Io gets angry and intends to fight against the Thea Sisters .

Io : Honey , leave them to me !

Mercury : Don't call me that ! We're not a couple ! I'm sick of you acting like we're together !

Io : What ?! Why not ! After all-

Mercury : Shut up ! I don't want to hear your dirty words anymore ! I'm not interested in you ! You're clingy and obsessed ! And...and...YOU'RE NOT MY TYPE OF GIRL !

When the young boy said that . Io's heart breaks . Her head lowered , her dark green hair covers her face as a bead of tears wet her eyes .

Io : I see...So you want that you and me will never be in that case...If I can't have you...

As she spoke , a knife appeared in the mouseling's right paw . Mercury can see it .

Io : ...NO ONE CAN'T !!

Taken mad , she brandished the knife towards Mercury and tried to stab him under the astonished eyes of the Thea Sisters and their friends . The young mercurian managed to avoid the first attempt , then the second . The Jupiterian tried to stab him again but Mercury managed to grab her wrist , the one with the blade .

Mercury : What are you doing ?! Are you crazy or something ?!

Mercury manages to disarm Io by hitting her with his other paw and the two children fight . He managed to knock her to the ground . Io gets up . What she didn't know was that her enemies the Thea Sisters were planning their attacks against her .

Thea Sisters : World Gorgeous Illumination !!

Their attacks hit Io . She screamed and her Stone Sacred , the Yellow Opal , shattered . The little mouselet's body disintegrates and disappears . The youngest Satelles Iuppiters is now dead . As for Apotre Mercury , her death is a great relief .

Mercury : Now I can finally be at peace !

The young boy leaves the scene .

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