Sleepy Thoughts

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A/N: A bit of fluff between all the chaos

Travis and Taylor are cuddled up together in bed, fast asleep in his Kansas City home. She had flown in earlier that day to see him, barely making it in time for his game. So, the jet lag was real. When she saw him after the game, they were laughing as they compared who was more tired. Even though the Chiefs ended with a win, they both decided to skip the after party, in favour of getting some well-deserved rest.

Travis wakes at 2.30am, overwhelmed by the need to pee. Taylor is laying on his chest, using his arm as a pillow. With some careful manoeuvring, he resettles her and slides out of bed. Thankfully, she doesn't wake up. She doesn't even twitch. He could stare at her for hours, but the call of nature is incredibly strong. Bathroom first, then you can look at her all you want.

He decides to leave the bathroom light off, partially so he doesn't burn his eyes from the sudden change, but mostly so it doesn't spill into the bedroom. He doesn't dare to do anything that could potentially wake his sleeping goddess.

Once nature has been answered, he stands in the doorway to the bathroom and smiles. She's so peaceful. Angelic. I can't believe I get to call her mine. He carefully climbs back into bed, attempting to get comfortable again. Why can you never find the same spot after you move? Once he is happily situated, he closes his eyes, but feels movement from Taylor's side of the bed. Please tell me I didn't wake her.

He opens his eyes to check on her, and smiles at her. She's still fast asleep. But in her subconscious, she must know he's come back to bed. She's shuffling closer to him, throwing a leg over his and putting her head on his chest. She puts an arm over his waist as well. She's basically wrapping herself around him. And to him, it's the cutest thing ever.

She's so beautiful. I'm so glad she is relaxed enough to let her koala tendencies out. The boys that let her get away are the dumbest people on the planet.

Now that Taylor is cuddled up to him again, he can feel sleep pulling him under again. He's almost sure that's what his body was waiting for. Her. If she's okay, he's okay. If she's upset, he's upset.

Damn. I have fallen hard for her. And I'm okay with that.

He knows there's no use denying it. He loves her. If she asked him to take her to the moon, he would start building the rocket to get there. She wants another pet? He'll go to the animal shelter right now. She wants to redecorate his house? Give him some paint, and tell him where to put it.

After a gentle kiss to her head, he finally falls asleep with thoughts of a family with her. Screaming kids running around the house, mess everywhere, and Taylor in the middle of the chaos. They'll always do what they're told if she says it. And that's fine. If they have her eyes, he'll never be able to say no.


Taylor wakes at 4am. It's not from a nightmare. She doesn't need to go the bathroom. There's no alarm. Travis is holding her close, so she's warm. There's no reason she can find to be awake right now. Jet lag probably. Ugh. She knows it will take a little while before she can fall asleep again, so she takes the chance to watch her boy whilst he sleeps.

Call her a creep, she doesn't care. She knows he does it to her. He's letting out soft snores, and she can feel his breath going past her face. She can't help but smile up at him. His eyelashes are fluttering.

I wonder what he's dreaming about?

Sometimes, she can't believe this is her life now. She's seen her fans online referencing 'Fifteen' and the music video for 'You Belong With Me'. She is doing greater things than dating the boy on the football team. But she is also dating the boy on the football team. She has the best of both. He's as devoted to her in this relationship as she is to him. They're showing up for each other. After hiding her heart for so long, it's nice to let it run wild. She doesn't have to think about evading cameras. Or running to the car when leaving a restaurant. She can be herself. And he stands back to let her shine.

And I love standing back to watch him shine on the field.

She told him months ago that she loves him. It's not a new thought. But sometimes, it overwhelms her so much that she can't breathe. And it's not in a bad way. She thought she knew what love was. But after experiencing it with Travis, she found out she knew nothing. She doesn't have to change anything about herself to make him happy. He loves her just as she is. And she loves him the same way. Even if he plays a bad game.

I really hope he is it for me. I can't handle another heartbreak. I don't think I'll be able to bounce back from this one.

She wriggles in his embrace, tucking her head under his chin, feeling his grip on her tighten. They've had conversations about the future, and he's said multiple times that he'll do everything possible to keep her close. He doesn't want to say anything that will push her away. No one has been that sensitive towards her before. They usually just said whatever they wanted, with no thought for her feelings. Travis isn't like that.

She stretches up and places a kiss on his chin, before curling back into his warmth. She's surrounded by him, and it's soothing. Her eyes drop closed as the noise in her head is silenced. Just being around him sends the demons running. At last, she has peace.

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