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A/N: How to have an easy time on vocal rest ...

Taylor's POV

I step off stage after Karma and hand my mic over to the waiting crew member. These three shows have been awesome, and I'm so excited to do three more in a couple of days. My voice however, is not excited about it.

I've been coughing on and off all night, and mentally cringing at the voice cracks. I'm sure the fans have noticed. They always do. I've taught them well.

"Hey Tay!" Tree greets me happily. "Great show tonight."

"Thanks!" I try to sound just as cheerful, but she doesn't miss the raspiness as I talk.

"Woah. Are you feeling alright?" She asks.

"I'm fine." She raises her eyebrow at my response, not buying it at all.

"Nice try blondie. Lucky for you, there are two full days off before the next show. So I expect you to rest and not talk."

I giggle at her orders, but salute in agreement. Dad gives me a hug when we meet him backstage, not bothered that I'm very sweaty from the heat.

"Good show honey." He says.

"Thanks Dad."

His eyes widen at the sound that comes out of me, and Tree immediately shushes me.

"Taylor. No more talking tonight please." She says.

"Bu..." I start, but Tree holds her hand up to stop me.

"Nope. No arguments. You don't want to make it worse. Get changed and then we'll head to the hotel."

I do as I'm told, wiping most of the sweat off with a towel in my dressing room and changing into shorts and t-shirt. I'll have a proper shower when I get back to the hotel. Tree hands me a chilled bottle of water when we head to the car, and I immediately start sipping it. I know that downing it won't actually hydrate me properly, as much as I desire the cool temperature.

I fight against the pull of sleep the entire way to the hotel, I will feel so horrible tomorrow if I don't have a shower before bed. I'm pretty sure Dad and Tree almost drag me upstairs to my room. If they told me I could, I would probably fall asleep on the ground right this second.

"Sleep well honey." Dad says, placing a kiss on my head once we reach my room.

"Night Dad." I whisper.

Tree follows me into my room, and ushers me into a shower. I spend about 10 minutes just standing under the cold water, letting it cool me down and wash away the sweat. Tree is still there when I finally head back into the main bedroom.

"I've grabbed some PJs for you and left some throat soothers on the table if you need them. Text me tomorrow when you're up and let me know how you're feeling."

I go say something in reply but get cut off with a yawn instead. Tree laughs as I give her a thumbs up with one hand and rub my eyes with the other.

"Goodnight Taylor. Sleep well." She giggles again and then leaves me alone. I'm fighting a losing battle against sleep, so I quickly change into the PJs she got out for me and then flop into bed. The second I am snuggled under the covers and comfortable, I am out like a light.


The next morning, I wake up with my throat feeling like the Sahara desert. The clock on the wall tells me it's 10:45am. I do not want to get up right now. But I have to do human things. Like eating and going to the bathroom. Ugh. Maybe later. I shut my eyes again, intent on going back to sleep, but a knock on my door stops me in my tracks. It opens a second later, soft footsteps padding into the room.

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