My Number

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A/N: Short bit of fluff. Needed a break from the intense stuff for a moment

Travis POV

I'm on my way home from practice with only one thought on my mind. I can't wait to see my girl. I love that she's here anytime she's not on tour or needs to be in the New York. I left her curled up in bed when I left this morning, but I have a good idea where she might be now. In her music room. It's rare to find her out of it at the moment.

"Baby! I'm home!" I call as I walk through the door.

"Living room!" She yells back.

Huh, well that is surprising. I chuck my bag on the floor and pad over to the living room, expecting her to be on the sofa watching something. But I freeze in place when I see her. She's on the floor on her stomach, writing something in a notebook. But her outfit of choice is making me feel things.

She's head to foot in Chiefs red. With my number all over.

"Hey, how was practice?" She asks, turning her head to look at me, the smile on her face radiant.

"Uhh, it is fine." I stutter.

"What's the matter?" She asks. The smirk on her face tells me she knows exactly where my head is.

"Nothing." I clear my throat and finally get my feet moving again, sitting on the floor next to her. "Nice outfit."

"Oh, I thought you might like it." She grins.

"Like it? It's ..." I can't even finish my thought at seeing her covered in my number up close.

"You okay?" She giggles.

"Fine." I clear my throat again. "Just fine."

I can't resist the temptation any longer, so I reach out to run my hand along the small of her back and she sighs. I try not to be possessive, but damn, she's making it difficult right now.

"I was thinking of doing spaghetti for dinner tonight." She says, turning back to her writing.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay." I reply quietly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asks again.

"Yep. I'm fine."

"Alright." I know she doesn't believe me. "What are you looking at?" She asks a moment later.

"You." I reply with no hesitation. And I'm not lying. How does she expect me to look at anything else or think about anything else, when she has my number on her back and all over her butt?

"See something you like football boy?" She teases.

"Yes. You."

I stop holding back and lean down to capture her lips in mine. She squeaks in surprise, but melts into it a second later. My hands roam all over her back, wanting to feel her in every way. She drops the pen in her hand rolls slightly, wrapping her arm around my neck. I take the initiative and put my hands on her waist, fully rolling her onto her back and underneath me.

I break the kiss when we need to breathe, but continue leaving kisses down her face to her neck. Her back arches as I suck on her pulse point, and she makes the most beautiful whine. Well if I wasn't turned on before, I definitely am now.

"Trav." She whispers.


"Trav." She gasps and somehow arches up even more, allowing me to slide my hands under her back to support her. "I need to make dinner."

"It can wait." I whisper, not pausing my kisses.

"Trav." She whines. "I'm hungry."

"So am I." I smirk against her skin.

"But, I want actual food." She gasps again as I make my way across her neck. "Trav, stop."

She says it quietly, but I do as she asks. I lean up off her and look into her eyes, resting my head on my hands.

"We can do this later." She smiles. "Let me up."

"Alright princess." I push myself up and then offer a hand to her to help her off the floor. Only then do I take in the full extent of her outfit. I clear my throat and shake my head, trying to think about anything else. "Uhh, I'm going to have a shower."

"Okay." She nods, padding out of the room to the kitchen.

I'm going have to make it a cold shower if I want to make it to after dinner. Especially if she is still wearing that outfit. I'm one lucky guy.

Part 2 from Taylor's POV?

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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