Not Today

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A/N: Because some days, being human is too much ...

Taylor's POV

Dread is the first thing I feel when I wake up. Oh. It's going to be one of those days, is it? Great. I'm alone curled up under the covers, so I know Travis has already left for practice. It does make it a little easier, because I have no reason to get up. And I don't want to anyway.

My phone beeps at me from the bedside table, and I reluctantly stretch an arm out from under the covers to grab it. Oh, it's already 10:30. 3 missed calls from Jack. And a text from him. One missed call from Aaron. One missed call from Tree, and a text. And finally a text from Travis. I read Travis's text first.

Morning baby. I didn't want to wake you when I left this morning, but there's breakfast ready when you get up. I'll be home after 3pm. Love you! Xx

That's very sweet of him to leave breakfast for me. But I don't want to get up and grab it. It feels like too much work right now. Can I just be a human lump today? I read Tree's message next.

Morning Taylor! Please call me when you're awake. We just need to go over some more album release stuff.

She needs a text back. She'll send the FBI looking for me if I don't.

Hi Tree. Can we talk about it tomorrow? Not feeling it today.

Normally she replies very quickly, but I don't bother to see if she replies this time. Finally, I check Jack's text.

Hey Tay! We still on for recording today? I've had a thought about the last idea you sent me. And Aaron is already on board. Tried to call you this morning, but I guess you were still asleep. Let me know.

Damn. I forgot I scheduled a session with Jack and Aaron. I feel bad about cancelling on them, but I can't handle talking to people today. I can barely get my own thoughts in order.

Hi Jack. Gonna have to cancel today. Not up to it.

I don't go into detail, considering I can barely comprehend what I'm feeling myself. My phone starts ringing, but I just stare at the screen. I really can't deal with anything today. Sorry Jack. I put my phone on 'do not disturb' and put it back on the beside table. I cuddle up under the covers and roll over. Maybe a nap will help? Thankfully, sleep claims me quickly.

I wake up again when the front door slams.


Travis is home already? A glance at the clock gives me my answer. It's 3:15.

"Sweetie? You here?"

He's coming up the stairs, presumably heading for the bedroom. The door opens a minute later, and I see his head peek into the room. He breathes a sigh of relief when his eyes meet mine.

"Tay. Are you okay?"

He comes over and sits next to me on the bed, but I don't answer him. I have no idea what to tell him.

"Taylor? What's the matter? Tree phoned me. And Jack. And your mother. All of them tried calling you, but couldn't get through. Did something happen?"

It's too many questions at once. I just want him to shut up. It's like a migraine. But an emotional one. I just can't put it into words to tell him. Nothing makes sense.

"Sweetheart? Please talk to me. What's wrong?"

He slides down the bed and wraps his arms around me, kissing my head as he goes.

"I can't help you if you won't talk to me. What can I do?" His voice gets quieter with every word.

My stomach answers for me. Oh yeah. I haven't eaten today. Whoops.

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