cold car stuff idk

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(Right after one of Augustine's weird hallucination things)

How could Winnie, someone who had been my best friend for so long, change so much to the point he simply degrades me for existing then gaslights me?
I'm about to shout at him, but the sight of snow outside catches me off guard.

It's snowing in July?

I realize that we are both in our old winter outfits.


I kicked the door hard. it swung open, and I immediately felt the freezing air consume my body. However, not nearly as much as it did to Winnie. His outfit was not very useful in this situation.
But I won't help him, I hate him. He's a gas lighter, he's manipulative, he's selfish. He doesn't even like me. And so, I don't like him either. But I won't say that because he's all I have at the moment. Ugh, it disgusts me how he just smiles and smiles, he never shows any fucking emotion other than content, even in a time like this. He's so, so stuck up. But those pleading eyes.
They always change the way I think about him. I can tell when his smile is fake. And right now, it's incredibly fake.
What a surprise, he's freezing to death, and he's not happy about it.
I almost feel sorry for him. But how could I? He's only friends with me out of pity.

I climb out of the car, and he follows stiffly behind me. It's like his joints have already frozen into ice.
His body is ice.
The ground is ice.
The car is covered in ice.
And it's July.

"Why don't you f-find s.. Something in the c-car I might have left something i-in there that could be useful.. "
Winnie chattered his teeth so violently it seemed like he was doing it on purpose. But I know he isnt.

I go back into the now useless car.
I look through the drawer thingies, I look at the floor, I look on the seats, nothing of use.

"Winnie, where's your lighter? I see those cigarettes that you promised to quit. So where's the lighter? "I said, angry.

" o-oh. I must have left it in my room. "

I finally took a real look at him.
His fingers were purple and he was pale as a ghost.
This was like, an urgent medical emergency. I know I hate his guts and all but I need him to be alive right now.
panicked, I scurry towards him, take his hands, and warm them with my breath and the heat from my own hands.
It seems to be working. They went from purple to a bright red, and I think that's good enough. But he's still pale and on the brink of giving up and fainting on the snow.
I reach out both my arms, asking for a hug. He attempts to reach our as well, but he's simply too cold to move.
I put my arms around him comfortably,
His skin was cold against my neck.
It would've made me gag, but it soon wore away and he warmed up.
What can I do? I can't just sit here and cuddle him like a teddy bear for the rest of the month until this random ass snow goes away, we would starve. And also I would probably kill myself because of how much I hate him.

Mark After Touch - Augustine X Winnie Cold front FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now