chapter 4

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                             my best friend, of course.

His sky blue eyes met mine, signalling that we are once again, best friends.
But now, how can we wake up? I'm more than certain this is a hallucination of some kind and we are stuck in it together.

We have sorted out our friendship,
But nothing else feels sorted.
Have I truly sorted out myself?
Is that why I can't wake up?
But im definitely certain this entire thing was to heal our relationship.
Every part of this pushed us together, forcing us to communicate.
So what are we doing wrong here?
Is friendship not good enough?
... Is he truly evil and this is supposed to make me get rid of him?
Or is this just an ordinary hallucination that I can't just puzzle together to wake up from.


"Is friendship not enough? " I thought.
I thought it out loud. And Winnie heard me.

Suddenly, I felt heavy. My heart felt like it was melting and the liquid form of it's
Iron, bloody mass is filling my entire body, as if my legs and arms are hollow.
I feel such a weight, one I can barely combat.

"D-do you feel that, Aug? "
Winnie stuttered, not shivering as much as before.

I now realize, it's warmer than before, but still cold.

"Yeah.. Do you feel any warmer, perchance? " I asked him.

"Oh you too ? I thought it was just my body slowly declining and letting out it's last ounces of heat before I die. "

.. Typical him, smiling despite the fact he thought he was about to die.

As he stepped towards me, it got slowly warmer and warmer the closer he got.
When he gripped my hand, his intentions being to drag me with him to explore the house, it felt like I just burnt my hand on a stove. We both flinched and immediately brought our hands away.
My fingertips and palm were red and in some places black. Ohh, I see how it is.
Well, not really. I don't get WHY it's happening, but I know if we touch each other we'll get burnt and if we stray from each other it will be freezing, but always an uncomfortable temperature no matter where we are.
This has to be some weird metaphorical lucid dream. I heard Winnie gasp, as if realizing something. I assumed he only just realized the same thing I had, but when we both looked at each other he looked like he knew more than I did.
What's there to know that I don't?
Winnie scratched behind his neck, looking slightly unsure, but at the same time certain. I stare at him dead in the eyes awaiting an elaboration but it never comes, and he avoids my gaze by looking in all directions, but not at me.

Why's he being all awkward? Did I do something wrong..?

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