chapter 2 :3

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"Come on, we should start moving"
I barked out.
I started to walk forward, and Winnie followed me. He was just incredibly slow. I had to walk so slowly that I tripped over my own feet in order for him to catch up.
At this point, maybe I should be the one pitying him.
So, Guess what I did about this! My solution was to carry him.
(Bridal style🥰)
He didn't question anything, because he probably would have died if it weren't for me. :)
After a while, I feel exhausted and feel the need to put Winnie down. So I bend down and let Winnie fall from my arms from a safe enough height, then I help him up and we continue to walk, this time Winnie is a decent speed. That's probably because I got slower, though.
As we're walking, I notice two dead bodies of children, frozen in place, covered in snow and blood.
They looked like a younger version of me and Winnie, their fingers.. Intertwined.

This can't be real. Snow in July? Dead bodies on the ground that are literally me and Winnie?
Why are their fingers interlocked.
I simply don't have the brain cells for this.

As I'm in the middle of thinking, a giant, brown creature with multiple bright red eyes appears in the distance, it's stance violent and careless.

I begin to run, and knowing Winnie, I grabbed his hand before I started to sprint back towards the car.

I ask no questions. And I do it, because what other option do we have?

I watch as the ground cracks, the sounds of ice breaking deafening me.
The entire floor beneath me falls apart into a gaping hole, and I fall in. Before I can react, I feel gravity stop.
Winnie has my hand, he's using his other to hold my wrist, but it isn't very stable.

"Augustine.. I can't. "

I started to slip.
His hands were blue.

"No, don't do this to me. Your joking. "
"Don't drop me. Winnie, do not drop me. You know I love you, right? Please hold on!?"
I begged.
I lifted up my other arm, the one helplessly dangling towards the earth's core. I gripped his coat, it was down to his elbows. You'd think he would've pulled up his coat by now in this weather.
I used every cell in my body to pull myself up, but instead, Winnie collapsed and I pulled him down with me.
As we dropped down the cliff, I was gripping Winnie's entire body in a violent hug.

We hit the ground, but I was so numb that I couldn't feel a thing.
I didn't feel my body splatter into a puddle of tomatoes, I didn't feel Winnie
Slip away from my grasp.
It was significantly more comfortable now. I began to regain the feeling in parts of my body, and I noticed I was laying upon a carpet.
I was in Winnie's house, with Winnie.
But it was snowing inside the house,
Everything was nearly frozen From the dense snow, abnormally falling from the ceiling.
Before I even thought about moving, I shut my eyes and embraced Winnie tightly, in an attempt to keep him alive for at least another minute.
He regained consciousness, it seemed. Well, if he even was unconcious.
There was a pause of everything, everything but his slow, soft breathing.
In that moment I felt like I was holding my best friend again. Not an enemy, not the person who stole it all from me, just my best friend.

Or maybe I just wanted to bury myself in his skin, just barely warm enough for comfort. The hug got tighter as he started to warm up and his joints were articulated enough to squeeze me back.
But then again, he did steal it all from me, this is part of his scheme. He's manipulating me.
My grip on him loosened and I slowly backed away until I finally let go and crawled back up to my feet.
Despite my resentfulness, I helped him up, pulling him by the wrist.

"Augustine?.. Why did you let go? "

"Why did you let go, Winnie. "

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