||the past. ||

162 1 7

××Homophobia, abuse××


Me and my ̶P̶̶a̶̶r̶̶t̶̶n̶̶e̶̶r̶ Tk, sat down in front of my mom, I nervously figeted with my fingers. I planned to tell my mom sooner or later that I had a partner. She was extremely religious and thought that me being non binary was "just a phase" so she never pushed me about my gender, but when it came to relationships she was very overprotective of me and did not want to to date at all, but I thought I could talk through to her sense I am almost 18...

Tk sensed my nervousness and held my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, and looking at me calmly but it was a bit obvious they were nervous too. "It will be alright, trust me." They whispered to me and then looked back to my mom

I lightly smile at Tk, and nodded, holding Tk's hand tightly. "M-Mom, this is my partner... Tk. They have been very nice to me sense my freshmen year and we have been best friends until the beginning of this year..."

My mom's eyes widened as I kept speaking, she looked down at mine and Tks hand and then back at me

"I-I.. Love them a lot and they love me. They treat me perfectly and I don't think they will ever hurt me. I hope you understand and let me date them.. " I started to become more nervous by my mothers reaction, looking around and avoiding eye contact with my mother while I was talking

My mom looked at the both of us in disgust "..What..you are joking right? Don't you remember the rules I made for this house. No dating until you move out... " her eyebrows farrowed in Angier..

"..Mom please understand! You set those rules almost 17 years ago, and I understand that it might be against your religion but what if that's not how I want to believe in things! I love Tk a.. And.. You not gonna change that."

"No.. No no no get out of my house! " she glared at Tk feriously and pointed at the door, getting up from her chair quickly

Tk sighed disappointed and got up slowly, letting go of my hand "You should listen to them. They've said a lot of things about you to me." They glared at my mom before heading to the door

Before I knew it, it was just me and my mentally abusive mother. "so is that the "guy" that filled your head with sinful thoughts, making you think you were "non binary" or "gay"? I don't trust him. You will not date him. He dresses like a homeless person and made you... Different." She crossed her arms

I got up quickly, clenching my fist and shouting in my mom's face, trying to hide my tears of anger "UGH NO MOM NO! AND IT'S THEY! THEY DID NOT CHANGE ME, I CHANGED ON MY OWN! I NEVER LIKED MY BODY I HATED BEING A GIRL, YOU ALWAYS HATE ALL MY FRIENDS BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT UP TO YOUR STANDARDS, I'VE BEEN YOUR PERFECT LITTLE GIRL FOR YEARS NOW AND I JUST.. CAN'T! I WANT TO BE MY OWN PERSON OKAY??! okay..? " I sighed heavily, it was nice to get my feelings out... But my mom seemed to think other wise

She clenched her fist tightly "Do not talk to me like that. You will not see "theemmmm.." Again. And you will not date "theeemmmm.."

'She is mocking me..when I told her their pronouns are they, not him... She's so.. Fucking..' I tried to hide my anger. I wanted to hit her so bad, but I tried to hide away my feelings as usual. "I... Uh.. Um.."

She death stared at me, raising her eyebrow. "That better be a "yes ma'am". And you better not be hanging out with that girl Lucy either, she seems to be a bad influence to you aswell."

I clenched my teeth together very tightly from anger, it felt like I was going to break teeth. She wanted to control me, and who I hanged out with. But I knew I had to say what she wanted me too or else she would never stop bothering me and will probably punish me by hitting me or taking away my phone or making me do extra chores or all of them "y.. Yes.. Ma'am." I struggled so hard to say that. I turned around and stormed off to my room, slamming my bedroom door and leaning against my door, falling to my knees. 'Why won't she even try to understand..? I am almost an adult.. She can't do this to me..' I thought to myself..I feel tears streaming down my cheeks as I hugged my knees. I looked at my phone and see texts from Tk.

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