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!! Mention of SH!!

I came home, tiredly and noticed that someone must've fixed the couch. Mostly like Peter. 'Hm, how polite..' I smiled lightly as I walk to my bedroom door. I opened, and my heart sunk. 'He cleaned.. It?.. No wait-' I dropped all my items, shut my door and started to try and find all my personal belongings. I looked through the dresser for my diary, young photos, drawing. Then the boxes under my bed... I sighed in relief once I found my things, safe and looked untouched. 'Wait- my..' I opened my nighstand quickly, to find no blade. I started to panick 'Did he find it?!' I slammed the nighstand shut and covered my face "FUCK!! HE MUST THINK I'M FUCKING CRAZY!" I felt my eyes tear up until I spotted a letter laying neatly on my cleaned bed. I grabbed it quickly and opened it, skimming through it quickly 'he didn't snoop but it's not there...? Maybe... I just threw it away when I was trying to stop.." I  took a deep breath, feeling relieved again and trusting his words. I got up and laid my things down more neatly on my bed. I went out my room to get Lucy, I wanted to hang out with her sense I couldn't do so yesterday. "Lulu..?" I knocked on the door "do you wanna hang out? I'm sorry I uh, couldn't do that yesterday..."

"Oh? Yeah sure babe." She opened the door "I just got back from a job interview a few minutes ago, I heard you yell. You okay hun?" As I entered she closed the door and crossed her arms, looking at me concerned.

"Yeah.. I'm just a little stressed out that's all" I faked smiled for a moment then frowned again. "Its great news your actually trying to find a job hah." I laughed awkwardly and sat down on her bed, she then followed.

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me gently "ohhh.. I know how you feel, I'm sorry if I've been making you work hard. I'll try to pay you back I promise." She kissed my cheek. "Are you going out anymore today? Because if not I have something that may make you feel better~"

"Lucy I swear to God if you pull out the longest dildo- oh-"

she pulled out a bottle of red wine, and then drunk out of it before giggling to my comment "PFFT! I should've done that!" She handed the bottle to me

"Um... Thanks I guess... But I can't just drink all my problems away." I took a big gulp out of it. I then hugged my knees tightly.

"I know, but it will still make you feel better." We continued to share the big bottle together. "What's stressin you out hun?"

"Well.. I just.. My past keeps coming back to me, and then I have to work 24/7, and sometimes... You... No Offense. I just feel really lonely, I know I have you, and my best friend Tk... But I want someone who I can cuddle, hug and kiss anytime, without it being weird." I felt the effects of the wine coming in, I laid on Lucy's bed.

"Well, don't you have a boyfriend?? " she laid beside me, the big wine bottle still in her hand.

"No, yes..?? I don't know... I'd love to be romantic with him but I want to take it slow at the same time?? I don't know..." I nuzzle against her shoulder, wrapping my arm around her chest and shoulder.

"Hm, I understand I think... Maybe you need affection from someone you known for longer~?" She raised her eyebrow while looking into my eyes, I could tell she was somewhat teasing

"Yeah, I don't mind Lulu. " I snuggle against her body as she kisses my forehead. I could tell I was a little drunk.

She put away the bottle before cuddling me back "you know I don't mind doing this, you are my best friend after all."

"I knew that, I guess I was too shy hah.." I leaned closer to Lucy, kissing her back on the cheek

"Aww you kissed me back for once!" She chuckled before closing her eyes, she held me closely and stroked my back to reassure me.

I laid my head against her bust before closing my eyes aswell...
Peters POV

I clenched my fists and put my hands against the window, staring at them cuddling and sleeping together. I could feel the rage rising inside me as I saw them kiss. '.. That little fucking slut whore is trying to take away their love for me...' I clenched down on my teeth hard, I was trying my hardest to fight the urge to break the window and grab that sluts head and slam it into big, sharp broken glass.
'...I need to get rid of her very soon...or else she might take them away from me...' I jumped down from the tree I was on and headed for my van. I pulled out my phone and started to dial a number... "Yes hello? It's me Peter. I need to make a favor with you."

(End of chapter 7)

🖤Love Takes Time. 🤍 (Y/n X Peter fanfic, Ybg🔪🔞) Where stories live. Discover now