||Stranger. ||

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I was overwhelmed by work today and I didn't want to go home yet, sense it was only 2 so I decided to get some fresh air and walk around the quiet, local park. I walked far away from the jogging track, hearing only the birds chirping and wind flowing through the trees leaves. The nice atmosphere was definitely helping me. After some time, I sat down on a bench and let the gentle breeze of the wind flow through my hair and cheeks. I sighed heavily and covered my face with my hands. My brain just had to start thinking about my family... 'I miss my mom... She hurt me but... I still love her... ' she abused me and was so overprotective from me, she made me start believing I needed to be with her for awhile. While my mind was racing, i feel the bench creak underneath me as if someone came to sit down beside me...
Peters POV:

I watched as my darling started to walk through a park...'they are not going home?' I followed from a distanced until they went to sit down on a bench. 'Huh.. This is my chance!' I smiled and then walked over to y/n, sitting down on the wooden bench beside them. To my surprised, my darling jumped up from being startled of my presence... "Woah! Hey it's.. Just me."

They looked away from me, trying to remember who I was.. They seemed to struggle to speak a bit, "u-uh-"

"You are a jumpy one, arent'cha? " I teased, hoping that they possibly remember me from highschool, we never really talked, but I would admire them and they would smile or wave at me sometimes.. "Do you remember me?"


'I don't think I've met this guy a day in my life...' I tried my best to see if I could remember him but I couldn't "I.. Um... N.. No actually... What is your name? " my hands were very shakey, I felt nervous around this dude for some reason...

He sighed and shamefully looked down at his hands "ummmm.. It's Peter. But I really prefer if you didn't call me that..."

My eyes widened a bit in realization "Oh! Yeah I know you, I'm pretty sure you were that one cool goth kid, right? " I felt more calmer around him now I knew who he was. I smiled a bit remembering how cool he looked

His face brightened "Yeah, that's me alright..." Peter scooted closer to me, smiling at me warmly

I didn't think much at it when he scooted towards me "So, You do not like being called Peter?" It would make sense, his reputation was ruined in that school from a bunch of jerks making rumours of him. "Ummm... I'm not so good at making up nicknames.. "

He chuckled a bit, "Pff, alright then, you can just call me Peter then. " I noticed him inching his hand closer to mine, I kept staring at his hand and back up at Peter to make sure he did try anything weird "um I know this is sudden... Very- sudden, but can I have my pleasure to take you out for dinner?" His dark blue eyes staring into mine, I couldn't help but admire them...

"I......-" 'can I have my pleasure? I never heard that before.' As I snapped out of my head and noticed what he said I couldn't help but feel a little flustered...was this guy I barely know flirting with me? "Um why-?"

"ive.. Always wanted to talk to you, but in school I was afraid you would fear me or something...but now I can! So I just.. Wanted to get to know you. " he rested his hand on top of mine

His hand was much bigger then mine, in fact his entire body was much taller then me. I slid my hand away from his "I'm.. Flattered..but you aren't trying to hit on me or something, right?"

"Oh no no no! I didn't come off that way... This will only be a platonic date if that's what you want." His voice was so reassuring and calming "it would be great if we could meet up at that diner you work at." He grinned at me, showing his pointy teeth

I felt like this was moving very fast, but I went along with it, I wanted to stay out the apartment as much as possible and I like to see where this would be going "i- great, I'm opened by 7-"

Peter looked very excited, he got up quickly "Yes! I will be there, 7 pm sharp!" He started to skip off happily like he just won the lottery, "See ya! " he yelled out before disappearing the distance

'He is definitely the weird type-' "See you... " I mumbled, before getting up from my bench. I sighed heavily, the sudden realization hit me. 'Wait, how did he know where I work-?"

(End of part 2)

🖤Love Takes Time. 🤍 (Y/n X Peter fanfic, Ybg🔪🔞) Where stories live. Discover now