||Charisma|| 🔞

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(For better experience, listen to: Freak show - punkinloveee)

‼️Nsfw, Masturbation‼️

Peters POV

I entered my van after watching and making sure they got home safely.. "We went on a date.." I smiled and started chuckling "i-i went on a date with my darling and they liked me!!" I looked at the dried blood on my hand I managed to get from them. Just looking at their blood on me was almost orgasmic. 'Just how they would look after I cause pain to them... Rip off their leg and carve my name onto them, biting and claiming them as mine.. They would look and sound so cute. I hate to see them in pain from others, but if it was only because of me.. It would be such a honor to get a scream out of them. Only I can hear them scream, Beg, And moan for me...' I felt my member rising thinking about everything I can do to them. '..I want to fuck their guts out so hard right now in their bed...ohh the things I could do to themm..' My member started to throb from needing pleasure. It was getting unbearable, so I unzipped my pants and pulled down my boxers a bit, revealing my member. I used my bloody hand and started to stroke my boner. It felt even better knowing that I was touching myself with my darlings blood, it was like they were touching me themselves instead. I picked up the speed and laid my head back on the drivers seat, whimpering quietly to myself. "..M-mm~ y/n..i want you so badly..~" I couldn't stop grinning thinking of them, I felt myself close to reaching my peak. "..i.. NEED you..~" I rubbed my tip before cuming onto my blood stained hand. I sighed heavily from the relief of the pleasure and licked the blood and cum off my hand with my long tongue, their blood tasted so good I wrapped my long tongue around my hand. "Y/n..you taste so amazing.. ~"

I woke up to the sun in my face.. 'Wait a second-' I quickly look at my phone and jump up "8:55?! I'M FUCKING LATE!" I quickly bounce out of bed and slip on my clothes and sandals, then I rush out the door. I forgot most of my things except my phone and headphones which were almost dead. I ran as fast as I could to the diner. I enter inside and Tk was waiting for me, with their hands crossed in the kitchen. "Tk-! I'm so so so sorry-" I walked up to them quickly, panting and a bit sweaty. I hugged them tightly "..im sorry, I forgot to set my alarm..."

Tk blushed and hugged me back "oh.. Yeah yeah just make it on time more, I need you here yknow, I can't cover for you forever." They stroked my back gently to reassure me

I smile at them and nod then i go out to clean while they do the orders today. While I mop the floor I check my phone to see if Peter had messaged, -------------------------------------------
9:02 pm

                   (hey! It's y/n.>

< hey hey. :) )
good night darling <3)

7:45 am

< Good morning, my dear. )

I blush, and smile at my phone. 'This guy must have a better schedule then me to wake up at 7-' I respond to Peter with "Gm, how ya doin? I'm at work rn.. :P" I continued to mop and I was about to put my phone away until my phone buzzed and Peter had texted me in only a few seconds. I past the time by texting him while I clean....
7:45 am

< Good morning, my dear. )

(Gm, how ya doin? I'm at work rn. :P >

< Oh that sucks, :(. If I was your roommate I would never let you work a day of you life...)

(Hdhdj6$e eehh, that would be great to have a roomate like that, but I would wanna be selfish :c >


🖤Love Takes Time. 🤍 (Y/n X Peter fanfic, Ybg🔪🔞) Where stories live. Discover now