||The call||

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Today I was at work. I felt a little hung over from drinking with Lucy last night, Tk could tell so they were working mostly for me. I was in the bathroom, trying to calm this horrible headache before I my phone vibrated with a notification, I looked at it, thinking it would be Peter, sense he messaged and called me all the time, but it was something much worse. '.. MOM?!' my stomach dropped and I started to feel that nervous nausea as I read the text, "I need to talk to you, call me soon." I turned off my phone and I felt sick, I vomited into the toilet. My mother was a terrible person to me, so that probably meant that what she needed to say was not good. I wiped my mouth and called my mother... "H-Hello?" I stuttered

"Oh.. Y/N it's so great to hear your voice." She sounded older then she was when I last heard her 3 years ago.

"Um..what do you want."

"Baby, I'm really sorry..I just... really miss your company, and I want to try and understand you, I really do. I haven't been so well lately."

"Oh, well I appreciate your apology. Is that all?"

"Your not going to forgive me?"

"No. You hurt me badly, mentally and physically. I don't have to forgive you and your not gonna make me."


"Is that all?"

"Y/N I love you."

"Oh fuck off manipulator."

I hung up on my mother and leaned against the wall, I fell to my knees and I hugged myself 'why won't she stop bothering me... I was healing and she keeps coming back and making it worse...' I picked up my phone again and decided to call Peter... He didn't pick up, then I was going to call Lucy, but I remembered she had a date today. 'Fuck... I'm stuck here...' I felt my trauma stabbing me in the back and infecting me with horrible thoughts again right after I was starting to heal. I felt disgusted in myself, my mother made me feel disgusting... She was trying to guilt trip me into coming back to her. I felt tears stream down my cheeks, i felt my body tremble, I craved the pain of the blade sinking into my arms again. But I didn't have that blade or anything else. I did my last option, I started clawing at my skin with my nails like a animal, trembling. I whinced as blood started to travel down my arm, it felt irritated as hell, like a cat just clawed at my arms up. I yanked and pulled my hair, scratching my face, I was having a meltdown at this point "NGGH GET ME OUT OF THIS BODY!"
my phone started vibrating non stop, snapping me back to reality. My arms felts numb and shakey, I pulled down my sleeve and picked up the phone, Peter was calling... "... P.. Peter..?" My voice was breaking, I already been sobbing before.

"Huh?? Darling around you okay?? "
He noticed my shakey voice and became concerned

".. Yeah..! I just got um.. Sick" I hid up all my sadness again.

"Do you need me to come get you and take you home???"

"Yes please..."

"Okay, I'll be there in a few. Hang tight darling."

He hung up, it sounded like he was busy and talking to someone? I tried not to think to much about it. I wiped my eyes, I noticed you could see blood all over my arms and hands so I clean up in the sink. I rolled down my sleeves again and clean my face. Holding in all my feelings. I left the bathroom..

Tk approached me, "hey you alright? You were in there for some time." They seemed concerned about me, but I just smiled

"Mhm, all fine! I think I'm going to clock off early today though, I'm pretty sick." I forced a smile and nodded, I went to the kitchen to clock off.

"Whatever you say then.." Tk mumbled before going back to work.

Once Peter arrived, I walked outside. His white van looked sketchy, like some old man that asks kids for candy would own. Peter came out the car, and opened the car door for me. "How are you feeling darling?" He closed the door and entered to the drivers seat again. He was giving me princess treatment or something "Are you sure something didn't happen?"

His van on the inside was surprisingly cleaned and smelled decent. "Um.. I'm fine, I'm just sick that's all. " I sighed and laid my head against the door window. I knew he could sense my lie but I didn't say anything else. I tried to change the topic, I saw a empty cigarette container on the dash board. "You smoke?"

"Um well, not as much as I used too, but sometimes..." He put the keys into the car, and started to drive, glancing at me every couple of seconds.

I sighed heavily, I felt my body become heavy from thinking of what happened earlier, my eyes started to water.

He sensed my sadness and brushed his hand against mine before squeezing it gently. "It will be alright, darling. " his voice so calming and reassuring.

I tightly squeeze his hand. "m-mmhm.."

It's been a few hours after I left work, Peter and me cuddled on the couch, his affection was very comforting to me.

"Y/N?" He looks down at me, while still hugging my waist.  He has a sweet smile plastered on his face

"What is it Peter?" I look up at him, I was nearly sitting in his lap. I smiled back at him, nearly giggling from his cute smile.

"Can we go out on another date? I'll make it better then the last one. " he held me tightly to him

"Sure!! That would be fun!" I grinned before kissing his lower cheek, and looking into his eyes

His face became pink from my kiss, He looked away, flusteredly. "umm...we can go whenever you want too-!"

(End of part 8)

🖤Love Takes Time. 🤍 (Y/n X Peter fanfic, Ybg🔪🔞) Where stories live. Discover now