Chapter 3

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They had halted their steps briefly. The young lord watched her intently, still seemingly unconvinced of her well-being as the room danced around them.

Dammit Kassyra you have to move. She chided herself.

"I believe we are supposed to be dancing my lord." Kassyra whispered with a smile. Those, perhaps, were the most genuinely kind words she had uttered all day. The lord before her blinked twice before smiling, regaining his composure with it.

"My apologies princess." His voice was deep and low. They began to move once again. They spun in time with the other couples, their movements precises. Kassyra observed the man who waltzed her across the floor carefully. He was agile and very graceful. He knew the steps well enough that he'd certainly been properly taught, but he did not move like a lord. He moved more like an animal. He did not prance across the floor, he prowled, like a lion poised for the kill. He had an edge to him that contrasted his calm demeanor that she couldn't quite ignore. The other lords and noblemen at court all had a stuffy air about them. They wreaked of refinement and civility. This man had a wildness to him, something lurked beneath the gentlemanly surface. She studied the hard plains of his face as they danced. His jaw was sharp and cleanly shaven, and his lips were set into a calm almost smile. Thick lashes fluttered in front of his dark eyes and a single dark curl fell in front of his face. He smelled of something sweet she couldn't quite place. He was, dare she admit, pleasing to the eye.

But he was not to be trusted. She reminded herself.

It would be naive to think, after all, that he had asked her to dance out of the mere kindness of his heart.

"Tell me about yourself Lord Ashphyrd. What brings a man such as yourself to our shores?" He chuckled lightly at her question.

"Your engagement to our crown prince your grace, of course." Kassyra raised a suspecting eyebrow at his words.

"Is every lord in Faraveil required to attend their crown princes' engagement feast so far across the sea?"

"I suppose you do have a point princess. It was indeed a long journey." He conceded with a smile. Kassyra sighed. His avoidance was beginning to irritate her.

"Are you close with the princes then?" The lord spun her in time with the other dancers once again.

"No your grace, I am not." Kassyra frowned when she came to face him again.

That was frighteningly vague.

"Do you mean to be so cryptic or is that merely your disposition, my lord?" He laughed as they circled each other, their palms flat against one other's.

"Ah, I had heard about the silver tongued princess of Alvrya." He grinned at her words.

"Silver tongued?" She raised a brow, her lips formed into a smile that bordered on devious. "My lord you flatter me, most men think it sharp or forked." Kassyra mused as they took another turn, circling in the opposite direction. His eyes glittered with mischief at her words.

"I am certain they deserved whatever remark you made that would warrant such a comment on your tongue princess." His gaze followed her as he smiled that lazy, cat-like smile she had seen before. She tried to ignore the intensity of his gaze.

"They always do my lord. Now tell me, if not by law or friendship, what brought you to our far away land?" Kassyra asked again, firmly. The man's dark eyes flashed and he raised a brow.

"You certainly are persistent your grace. Prince Argus will certainly have his work cut out for him."

Damn him and that irritating smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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