1~ The Debate

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Notes: oh dear. How naive I was to think I could just copy and paste from docs...



I can not believe this happened. I understand that I'm more human than avian but to leave me inthe forest trapped? They want me dead.

In the dense forest near the village, the forest they leftme in, there's a castle in its depths. Now you're probably thinking, a castle? What's wrong with acastle, isn't that cool? Well no.

Because it's inhabited by like demons I think. Or well I thought. Iam currently in said castle, and while I can't leave (there's a fence around the whole area that'slocked) I haven't actually seen anyone yet. Like I can tell that someone is living here but I can'ttell how many, nor whether they're dangerous or not. It's honestly a nice place! Took me amoment to get used to the size, but it's in really good shape, and has proper food that can fitanyone's diet!

Outside in the front yard there's animals as well, who are also taken care of(when however, i'm not sure.) There's goats, sheeps, chickens, and rabbits! I spend a lot of timeby the chickens though, makes me feel more at home…

I look up to realise that it's almost nightalready, I can't believe I've been lost in thought for a whole day… I go inside, grabbing somebread along with sunflower seeds, and head towards what I've deemed as my room. Aftermunching on them for a bit I lay down, falling asleep quickly…



'Are we sure he's ok?'

Scar asked, again.

'Well currently we can't tell 'cause someone won't letus talk to him!'

Ren exclaimed, annoyed.

'Look currently we don't even know if he'll accept usok?'

I said, trying to reason with them, the kid could have a weapon and we currently don't havemedical supplies to heal someone if he hurts one of us.

'What do you mean! He's clearly anoutcast, he doesn't have wings or feathers, but he has the eyes and ears of an avian! Notbird-like enough for avians, but not human enough for humans! Outcast!'

Mumbo ranted,sounding exasperated towards the end.

'Fine. How about we vote on it then? With the hybridsMumbo, doc. Robots don't count.'

I said as they both pulled out controls. The group who was
already watching the kid, and knew what was happening, went down to the living room. Me andKeralis walked around to get everyone.



'Ok why are we having a meeting?'

I asked as I reached the living room, every one other than Xand Wels waiting there. As I sit down on a bean bag in the corner X and Wels both walk in,taking a seat.

'So we're here because of the kid basically.'

X started

'From what we've noticedhe appears to be someone who would be treated as an outcast. But in the end it's up toeveryone whether we let him know of us or not.'

Oh. So that's why we're here, to vote. X startedhanding out small rocks to everyone.

'Put the rocks on the table if you're ok with him staying,then on the floor if you think he should leave.'

Right as X said that Scar, Mumbo, Ren, Keralis,Impulse, and Tango put their rocks on the table.

After them Zedaph, Pearl, Bdubs, Doc, and Xput their rocks on the table.

A couple seconds later Gem, Cleo, Stress, Jevin, and Welsfollowed.

I thought about it for a moment, along with a few others until we finally all voted for himto properly join. I guess the kid is staying.

Wait. We don't even know his name or age-

End notes:

And tada! Its only 630 words, but personally I like it! Also I can't help but wonder, did they technically kidnap him? I mean sure he Was thrown into the forest but y'know what. What else to expect from X honestly? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Word count: 630

Date: January 24 2024

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