𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗮 𝗽𝘂𝗽𝗮, 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘄𝗲'𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗲𝘁 . .

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in a lousy kindergarten as kids run around screaming, there was this brunette child, he was so "weird". he stayed alone in the corner till the school day ends.

the teacher talks alot about him, "he can't communicate properly with the others." said one of them.

he was like a moth in a butterfly's party.


as he sits alone, doing nothing else  but observing, a girl his age came up to him.

"Hey give me your toy!" the girl yelled and demands, throwing tantrum.

"Ask nicely..." the brunette child mumbled.

"bla- bla- bla bla! no! give me your toy!" the girl yelled again.

"...no." the brunette child spoke up.

the girl screamed. "YOURE TOOPID!!!"

"toothpick..?" the brunette child mumbles quietly.

the girl raised her arm and slapped the brunette child as she tries to take away his toy. the brunette child just stayed silent with not much sign of suprise, although he looked more angry.

"Oi, Oi, brat! you're shorter than me, you know? i can call the teachers now or we fight!" a short ginger child shouts from behind.

the brunette child looked disgusted seeing his 'hero'. his eyebrows twitched and he practically gagged.

but other than the brunette child getting 2nd hand embarrassment, the ginger's hero time suprisingly worked. the girl ran away at the speed of thunder..

the ginger walks over to the disgusted brunette child, with confidence, he said- "now now, Mr. Cinderella!! meet your prince charming- your savior!" obviously he was kidding.

"if prince charming is this short,  i would gladly pass!" the brunette child replied.

"ungrateful! brat! atleast thank me for saving you!" the ginger yells.

"you did not save me." the brunette sighed.

"hah..!? oi oi! I am Nakahara Chuuya! the coolest king on this ea- eart-.. e-earh.. word!!!", Said Chuuya.

" It's Earth. let me spell it out. E-A-R-H-T ." the brunette replied unknowingly made a mistake himself.

"yayaya, that word!!"  Chuuya rolls his eyes.

the brunette sighed again.

"Well then, Nakahara Chuuya, the coolest king on this E-A-R-H-T, EARTH!, " the brunette 'bragged' about the fact 'he could spell' the word.

"I am Osamu Dazai! the most fash- ... f-fashony king in this E-A-R-H-T, EARTH!" Dazai kept on spelling the word confidently even though he failed to even spell earth and say fashionable.


!!!! A/N :3

the first and two chapters are gonna be things that wasnt mentioned in the AU cus i dont wanna be straightforward to the angst parts

yk.... like a decoration/opening chapters!!


moths and butterflies - SOUKOKU :3Where stories live. Discover now